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Building Committee Presentation: JUNE 12, 2012 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PROGRAM Hanson, MA | Whitman-Hanson Regional School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Committee Presentation: JUNE 12, 2012 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PROGRAM Hanson, MA | Whitman-Hanson Regional School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Committee Presentation: JUNE 12, 2012 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PROGRAM Hanson, MA | Whitman-Hanson Regional School District


3 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 1. INTRODUCTION 1.Overview Educational Facilities 2.Project Initiation and Statement Statement of Interest Project Team Enrollment Agreement 3.Narrative Summary of Capital Budget Statement 4.Process and Schedule Site visits Public Outreach Education Program Initial Space Summary 5.Summary of Findings, Existing Conditions Site Maquan School Indian Head School

4 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 2. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 1.Overview Current and Proposed Educational Program Fit of Program to Physical Space 2.Educational Program 3.Functional Diagrams

5 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 3. INITIAL SPACE SUMMARY 1.Overview 2.Process and Observations Overview Analysis of Existing Educational Facilities Visionary Session and Summary Findings Initial Assessment of Existing to Proposed (Matrix) 3.Initial Space Summary Summary of Differences from MSBA Template Space Summary Spreadsheets (PK-2 and PK-5)

6 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 3. INITIAL SPACE SUMMARY 3.Initial Space Summary Summary of Differences from MSBA Template Pre-Kindergarten Multi Purpose Room (STEM/STEAM) Special Needs Enlarged Gym Teacher Planning / Collaboration Centers Space Summary Spreadsheets (PK-2 and PK-5) PK-2ProposedExisting 90,834 GSF74,600 GSF PK-5ProposedExisting 131,599 GSF144,490 GSF

7 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS 1.Introduction: Summary of Property Restrictions Title and Deed Appropriateness for Development Development Restrictions Historic Restrictions (Memorial Hall) 2.Maquan Existing Conditions 3.Indian Head Existing Conditions

8 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 5. Site Development Requirements 1.Introduction: Summary of Concerns 2.Site Development Requirements 3.Existing Site Plan

9 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 6. Evaluation of Alternatives 1.School District Assignment Practices 2.Tuition Agreements with Adjacent School Districts 3.Rental or Acquisition of Existing Buildings 4.Construction Options Overview 5.Construction Option Narrative Descriptions 6.Construction Option Drawings 7.Option Cost Comparison 8.Options Comparison Chart 9.Base Repair Option Costs for Indian Head

10 Maquan PK-2: A comprehensive renovation including code required upgrades, full accessibility, and a fire suppression system. Indian Head 3-5: Targeted improvements to correct known deficiencies. Approx. Costs: $32,038,947 Total $18,291,297 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District Option 1 | Base Repair – Site Plan 6.Construction Option Drawings

11 Option 2 | Renovation and Addition to Maquan with No, or Limited Demolition – Site Plan Maquan PK-2: No / Limited Demolition Minor interior modifications Comprehensive renovation including code required upgrades, full accessibility, and a fire suppression system. New addition to meet the program requirements for Pre-K to grade 2. Approx. Costs: $34,750,899 Total $18,160,486 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings Exact configuration of additions to be determined New Septic Field

12 Option 3| PK-2, Renovation and Addition to Maquan with Partial Demolition – Site Plan Maquan PK-2: Enrollment: 395 Demolition of the 1-story core Addition of a new 2-story core, Renovation of the existing 2-story classroom wing, for Pre-K to grade 2. Approx Costs: $35,993,551 Total $18,782,420 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings New Septic Field

13 Option 3 | PK-2, Renovation and Addition to Maquan with Partial Demolition – Building Plans LOWER LEVELUPPER LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA 6.Construction Option Drawings

14 Option 4A| PK-2, New 2-Story School on Maquan Site – Site Plan Maquan PK-2: Enrollment: 395 A new 2-story school building on the Maquan site for Pre-K to grade 2. Demolition of existing Maquan School. Approx. Costs: $36,454,887 Total $17,867,654 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings New Septic Field

15 Option 4A | PK-2, New 2-Story on Maquan Site – Building Plans UPPER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA 6.Construction Option Drawings

16 Option 4B| PK-2, New 2-Story School on Maquan Site – Site Plan Maquan PK-2: Enrollment: 395 A new 2-story school building on the Maquan site for Pre-K to grade 2. Demolition of existing Maquan School Approx. Costs: $36,454,887 Total $17,867,654 Hanson Share New Septic Field Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings

17 Option 4B | PK-2, New 2-Story School on Maquan Site – Building Plans LOWER LEVEL UPPER LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA 6.Construction Option Drawings

18 Option 5 | PK-5, Renovation and Addition to Indian Head with Partial Demolition – Site Plan Combined PK-5: Enrollment: 800 Demolition of the Indian Head one story wing. New 2-story additions. Targeted renovation of the existing 2-story 1951 wing. Demolition or re-purposing of Maquan School Approx. Costs: $52,751,926 Total $26,362,010 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings

19 Option 5 | PK-5, Renovation and Addition to Indian Head with Partial Demolition – Building Plan Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA LOWER LEVEL 6.Construction Option Drawings

20 Option 5 | PK-5, Renovation and Addition to Indian Head with Partial Demolition – Building Plans MAIN LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA UPPER LEVEL 6.Construction Option Drawings

21 Option 6A | New 2-Story School on Indian Head Site – Site Plan Combined PK-5: Enrollment: 800 A new 2-story building for Pre-K to grade 5 on the Indian Head site. Demolition or re-purposing of Maquan and Indian Head Schools Approx. Costs: $53,149,800 Total $26,529,668 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings

22 Option 6A | New 2-Story School on Indian Head Site – Building Plans UPPER LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA LOWER LEVEL 6.Construction Option Drawings

23 Option 6B | New 2-Story School on Maquan Site- Site Plan Combined PK-5: Enrollment: 800 A new 2-story building for Pre-K to grade 5 on the Maquan site. Demolition of Maquan School and demolition of re-purposing of Indian Head School Approx. Costs: $53,149,800 Total $26,529,668 Hanson share Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA Whitman-Hanson Regional School District 6.Construction Option Drawings New Septic Field

24 Option 6B | New 2-Story School on Maquan Site – Building Plans UPPER LEVEL Maquan Elementary School Feasibility Study Hanson, MA LOWER LEVEL 6.Construction Option Drawings

25 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program 6. Evaluation of Alternatives 7.Option Cost Comparison OptionTotal CostHanson Cost 6New School at Indian Head$53,149,800$26,529,668 or Maquan, PK-5 2Add. Reno. Maquan$34,750,899$18,160,486 (no demo) (Not Including Indian Head Repairs) 4New school at Maquan$36,454,887$17,867,654 PK-2 (Not Including Indian Head Repairs) 3Add. Reno. Maquan$35,993,511$18,782,420 (partial demo) (Not Including Indian Head Repairs) 5Add. Reno. Indian Head$52,751,926$26,362,010 (partial demo) PK-5 1Base Repair$32,028,947$18,291,297 2(Not Including Indian Head Repairs)

26 Module 3 Preliminary Design Program MOVING FORWARD TO DO FOR MODULE 3.1: Narrow Options to 3 and complete Executive Summary Local Action Certification TO DO FOR MODULE 3.2: Joint Meeting with Selectmen and Historic Commission regarding Memorial Hall Community Outreach as Defined by Town/District Recreational Department Meeting(s) Identify Preferred Solution (July 17-24) Determine Funding Needed for Survey, Traffic, Hazmat and Soils TO DO FOR MODULE 4: Seek Town Funding Approval for Site Exploration at October Town Meeting

27 Thank You

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