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DATA SECURITY Data security refers to both physical protection of data and the controlled access of information The person who has good knowledge can steal.

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Presentation on theme: "DATA SECURITY Data security refers to both physical protection of data and the controlled access of information The person who has good knowledge can steal."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATA SECURITY Data security refers to both physical protection of data and the controlled access of information The person who has good knowledge can steal the data, the person is called HACKER Type of threats to Data Security 1. Data not available to authorized personal at the required time: Threat due to faulty system or virus infections Preventive Measure: i. check the system and confirm whether it is faulty ii. If data is infected by virus, the virus protection measure must be taken 2. Data becoming available to unauthorized personal : The data stolen by the Hackers Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 2010 1

2 Preventive Measure: a. Identification : Authorized users are given an identity code called User id code to access the data b. Authentication : The verification of a users identity by passwords. c. Authorization: Determining how an authenticated user is permitted to use data. Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20102

3 Cryptographic Security The translation of data into secret codes to safe guard or protect the data during transmission Uses: To provide data confidentiality ( authentification and authorization fail ) Encryption : process that translate data to secret code to protect it from intended user. Decryption : process that translate encrypted data to plain text Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20103

4 Encryption Process DECRYPTION Algorithm ENCRYPTION DATA (Plain Text) SECRET CODE (Cipher Text) Transmission Algorithm DATA (Plain Text) SECRET CODE (Cipher Text) Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20104

5 Computer Virus Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20105

6 Computer Virus What is Computer virus? A program written to alter the way a computer operates, without permission or knowledge of the user The Criteria to consider as Virus: i). It must be execute itself ii). It must replicate itself Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20106

7 Classification of Virus File Infector Viruses Boot Sector Viruses Master Boot Record Viruses Multi-partite viruses Macro Viruses Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20107

8 1. File Infector Viruses Infect the program files which have executable code such and.exe files It infect other files in the computer when infected program is run from floppy, hard drive or from the networks. Example: Jersulum, Zigzag, Yankee 46, Friday the 13th Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20108

9 2. Boot Sector Viruses It infect the system area of the disk (boot record on floppy disks and hard disks) All floppy disks and hard disks contains small program in the boot record that run when the computer is start up. Boot sector viruses attach themselves to this part of the disk and activate when the user attempts to start up from the infected disk. These virus are memory resident Example: airCorp, Aragon Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 20109

10 3. Master Boot Record Viruses Memory resident virus which infect the disk same as Boot Sector viruses (where viral code is located). It save a legitimate (genuine) copy of the master boot record in a different location Example: AntiExe, NyB, Unashamed Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201010

11 4. Multi-partite viruses (polypartite) It infect both boot records and program file Once infected, it is difficult to repair Example: One-Half, anthrax, Tequilla Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201011

12 5. Macro Viruses It infect data files and other files (advent of Visual Basic in Microsofts Office 97) especially Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access files Example: W97M, Cakes, XM, Yohimbe Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201012

13 Trojan Horse Program that infect files but does not replicate itself Contains malicious code when triggered cause loss of data Example: PWSteal, Trojan Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201013

14 Worm Program that replicate itself from system to system without the user of host file. Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201014

15 Anti-virus Software It scan the programs, detect viruses and remove them Example of Anti-Virus Software are: McAffee, SmartDog, Norton Antivirus, Avast, Quick Heal, AVG, Avira Antivir, Spy Doctor, etc Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201015

16 Prevention of Virus The precautionary measure are: 1. The use of pirated software should be stop 2. Write protect tags should be used on the original software diskettes. 3. Proper back up of all data and program files should be kept 4. Used floppies should be reformatted 5. Avoid letting the system to be used by unauthorized users 6. Restrict the use of outside floppies/CD/Thumb drives 7. Do not leave a floppy disk in the floppy disk drive when you shut or restart the computer. 8. Do not set your e-mail program to auto run attachment 9. Obtain all Microsoft security updates 10. Use computer virus scanning program Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201016

17 The Cure The viruses are omnipotent. Viruses can be cured with anti-viral programs. The anti-viral programs perform one or more of the following functions: Prevention: Check the system and stop the virus from infecting Detection: It detect the virus infected files in the system Vaccination: Inject some code into the executable files and check on the program being executed and warns if any changes have been made Inoculation : Insert the virus signature into the infected areas and perform self detection and does not infected already infected files Identification : Identify the types of virus infected in the systems Damage control : It helps to control the systems/ program from getting damage Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201017

18 Health Issues RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)-occurs from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles and other soft tissues. How to prevent RSI? 1. Correct typing technique and posture- wrist should not rest on anything while typing and rest your hands on the lap or side instead of leaving on the key board. 2. The right equipment set up- key boards and chair are set at thigh and forearms level and wrist are straight. Ergonomics – Mismatch between the physical capacity of workers and the demands of job (Musculoskeletal Disorder [MSDs]) Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201018

19 Copy Right It confirms the validly of copyrights attaching to consumer products Authentication Feature : halogram, watermark certification symbol code, image, sequence of numbers or letters Software Piracy Making illegal copies of software and distributing them in original packages Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201019

20 Types of Piracy: End User Piracy: copying software without buying the appropriate number of licenses Hard Disk Loading: practice of installing unauthorized copies of software onto computer hardware prior to scale ( Computer illegally install software to sell machines) Internet Piracy: copyright material illegally distributed through the internet (online) Bootlegging: illegally making and distributing copies of software commonly in the form of backup, CD-R etc. Counterfeiting: illegally making of copies and distributing copies in packages made to appears as original. Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201020

21 Consequences of Software Piracy Serious crime Pay fines Bear legal action and criminal prosecution How to refrain from Copy Right Issues? Avoiding Software piracy Buying legal software Kinley's Lesson Notes for Class X- 201021

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