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Ant colonies for traveling salesman problem

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Presentation on theme: "Ant colonies for traveling salesman problem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ant colonies for traveling salesman problem
BioSystems 1997 Present Sherry Y.T.Chen

2 Auther Marco Dorigo IRIDIA Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium
Luca Maria Gambardella IDSIA ,Department of Electronics and Informatics of Politecnico di Milano 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

3 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion & Future work Reference 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

4 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion Future work 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

5 Introduction Ants and positive feedback (Dorigo 1992)
Pheromone trail deposited on TSP graph Assumption:TSP graph is completely connected 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

6 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion & Future work Reference 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

7 TSP problem What is TSP problem? All cities were visited once
returns to the starting city cheapest round-trip 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

8 TSP problem Algorithms (I) The Greedy Method Divide-&-Conquer
Enumerating Branch & Bound Dynamic Programming Approximation 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

9 TSP problem Algorithms (II) Simulated annealing (SA) Neural nets (NNs)
Annealing-genetic algorithm (AG) Neural nets (NNs) Elastic net (EN)  Self organizing map (SOM) Evolutionary programming (EP) Genetic algorithm (GA) 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

10 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion & Future work Reference 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

11 ACO (artificial ant) Real ants Real ants seems have some memory
Real ants are completely blind Real ants live in an discrete environment 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

12 ACO (artificial ant) Example for real ants
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

13 ACO (artificial ant) Example for artificial ants  t=0.5 t= 1
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

14 ACO (artificial ant) From real to artificial
(i) the preference for paths with a high pheromone level (ii) the higher rate of growth of the amount of pheromone on shorter paths (iii) the trail mediated communication among ants. 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

15 ACO (artificial ant) :Euclidean distance between i and j
:the number of ants in town i at time t :total number of ants. 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

16 ACO (artificial ant) :intensity of trail on edge (i,j) (1) (2) (3)
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

17 ACO (artificial ant) transition probability from town i to town j for the k-th ant (4) 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

18 ACO-Algorithm Initialize, set value Loop and updating NC reached?
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

19 ACO-Algorithm 1. Initialize: Set t:=0 Set NC:=0
For every edge (i,j) set an initial value τij(t)=c for trail intensity and Δτij= 0 Place the m ants on the n nodes 2. Set s:=1 For k:=1 to m do Place the starting town of the k-th ant in tabuk(s) 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

20 ACO-Algorithm 3. Repeat until tabu list is full Set s:=s+1
For k:=1 to m do Choose the town j to move to, with probability pkij (t) given by equation (4) Move the k-th ant to the town j Insert town j in tabuk(s) 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

21 ACO-Algorithm 4. For k:=1 to m do
Move the k-th ant from tabuk(n) to tabuk(1) Compute the length Lk of the tour described by the k-th ant τij(t+n)=ρ×τij(t)+ Δτij Update the shortest tour found 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

22 ACO-Algorithm 5. If (NC < NCMAX) and (not stagnation behavior) then
Empty all tabu lists Goto step 2 else Print shortest tour Stop 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

23 ACO (artificial ant) ACS TSP  2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

24 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion & Future work Reference 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

25 Simulation & Results Compared with other optimization methods
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

26 Simulation & Results Compared with TSPLIB
TSPLIB (maintained by G. Reinelt): 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

27 Simulation & Results Compared with different candidate lists
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

28 Simulation & Results Communication determines a synergistic C No-C
2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

29 Outline Introduction TSP problem ACO (artificial ant)
Simulation & Results Conclusion & Future work Reference 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

30 Conclusion & Future work
ACO is appropriate to TSP problem Improvement Local optimization Number of ants Specialized ants, tighter reinforcement 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

31 Reference Ant System_Optimization by a colony of cooperating agents, M Dorigo, LM Gambardella - Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on, 1997 螞蟻演算法在即時戰略遊戲上的應用-以美式足球為例, 尹邦嚴 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

32 Q&A Thanks for your listening 2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

33 Are arcs limited the solution? Only ACS + greedy ?
2018/11/13 OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

34 TSP problem Elastic net (EN)  2006/05/ OPLab, Dept. of IM, NTU

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