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Administrative Review Process

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1 Administrative Review Process

2 CSU MPP Evaluation Process
All MPPs must be evaluated at least once a year as part of the annual evaluation process.

3 360° Feedback Process Integrate with the annual evaluation process
Feedback - initiated by the President or Vice Presidents for their Administrator III and IV managers Feedback to be provided to the President and respective VPs

4 Review Schedule Initial Review – in the first 12 – 18 months of employment. Subsequent reviews - 3 years following the initial review; follow up every 3 years thereafter.

5 360° Evaluation Feedback - up to 15, including:
Open invitation for feedback to the college, department, or division the Administrator oversees 2 faculty identified by the Academic Senate; 1 student identified by ASI; Individuals recommended by the individual being evaluated.

6 360° Evaluations Recommendations from the immediate supervisor; -at least 2 reporting directly or indirectly Feedback from the search committee members; for the initial review.

7 Evaluation Conclusion
Feedback provided to President/Vice President or other Appropriate Administrator evaluator and respective VPs; Feedback cannot be anonymous; Evaluator completes and presents evaluation approved by the VP to the Administrator

8 Next Steps Spring ’18 - Implementation timeframe
Presidential Memorandum - finalize Survey instrument - finalize Identify/calendar Administrators to be evaluated.

9 Administrative Review Process Timeline
April May  June MPPs participating in administrative review process confirmed. Invitation to suggest reviewers to President and VPs sent to MPPs receiving administrative review, supervisors, the Academic Senate, and ASI. President and VPs finalize reviewer selection. MPP performance evaluation process instructions sent to MPPs. MPP Performance evaluation workshops. Invitation to provide feedback and administrative review form sent to selected reviewers (or search committee members for administrators participating in initial review) President and VPs. Invitation to provide administrative review feedback sent via to all faculty and staff in the department, college, or division the administrator participating in the administrative review process oversees. Administrative review feedback submitted by reviewers to the President and VPs by designated date. MPP self-evaluation and proposed future year goals submitted by designated date.  MPP performance evaluations incorporating: administrative review feedback (if applicable) and self-evaluation input, completed and approved by VPs.  Supervisors meet with MPPs to discuss approved performance evaluations. MPP merit salary increase recommendations sent by VPs to President based on MPP evaluations.

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