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Welcome to our parents’ workshop: Y5/Y6 Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our parents’ workshop: Y5/Y6 Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our parents’ workshop: Y5/Y6 Curriculum
September 2018

2 Aims: To understand expectations within each year group under the new curriculum To understand ways to support your child's learning at home

3 Curriculum: Every year group follows the 2014 National Curriculum
This curriculum is progressive so it builds on prior learning Each year group has their own set of expectations to work towards Curriculum expectations are high!

4 Reporting to Parents/Carers
We are now using the phrases: ‘Working towards age-related expectations’ ‘Working at age-related expectations’ ‘Working well within age-related expectations’ to describe your child’s progress against the curriculum for their year group.

5 Maths in Years 5 and 6 Three main aims-fluency, reasoning and problem solving Maths is taught using concrete, pictorial and abstract resources from early years all the way through to Y6 Children are exposed to a range of vocabulary that they will use when exploring a particular domain Talk for maths is a big part of a maths lesson Children work on a concept until they have mastered it Basic skills are crucial to ensure that working memory is freed up

6 Maths: Evidence So how will we assess in Maths?
Evidence in children’s books A range of assessment techniques during lessons e.g. questioning, marking work, focus group work Diagnostic marking, including response to marking opportunities Formal termly progress tests following September baseline assessment These allow for the teacher to make a confident and accurate judgement on the children’s progress and attainment each term This evidence will be reviewed at the end of the year to assess whether the children are working at the age-related expectations

7 Maths: SATs SATs tests will take place in May in Y6
There will be three tests: Arithmetic (30 mins) Two Mathematical fluency and reasoning tests (40 mins each)

8 Maths: KS2 SATs Examples from the Arithmetic Sample Paper

9 Maths: KS2 SATs Examples from the Fluency & Reasoning example paper 1

10 Maths: KS2 SATs Examples from the Fluency & Reasoning example paper 2

11 How can you help your child?
Times tables- fluent to 12 x 12 with related division facts. Rockstars. Number bonds Practical use of maths at home e.g. money, time, recipes, planning journeys etc Board games/ card games I pad/ computer games Maths homework to consolidate class learning

12 English in Years 5 and 6 SPaG Writing Reading

13 SPaG Daily Grammar lessons based on the Year 5/6 curriculum
Formal and informal assessments during the year REVIEW, TEACH, APPLY Using test questions for children to apply what they are learning- not just in their written work Apply across curriculum Formal SAT for Year 6 at end of year

14 English: SPaG SATs KS2 SPaG
Paper 1 – grammar and punctuation questions (45 mins) Paper 2 – spelling (15 mins)

15 English: KS2 SPaG SATs Examples from the Spelling paper

16 English: KS2 SPaG SATs Example from the Grammar and Punctuation paper

17 English: KS2 SPaG SATs Example from the Grammar and Punctuation paper

18 Writing PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT Explore the text First Draft
Redrafting Second Draft Editing Polished piece HANDWRITING Teacher assessed at end of year

19 Writing: Evidence So how will we assess in Writing?
Evidence in children’s books; redrafting A range of assessment techniques during lessons, e.g. questioning, marking work, focus group work Diagnostic marking – Individual targets Cross-curricular writing- reinforce skills Termly assessments for Writing Moderation across school/ ACT cluster/ county

20 Reading Whole class Guided Reading
Follow up tasks- independent and group activities Individual reading

21 English: Reading SATs SATs tests will take place in May in Y6 (KS2)
KS2 Reading 1 paper incorporating a range of different texts (1 hour)

22 English: KS2 Reading SATs

23 English: KS2 Reading SATs
Here are some sample questions from Paper 2

24 How can you support your child?
Regular reading with discussion- especially using inference ‘reading between the lines’ Ask questions about what your child is reading Encourage reading a range of genres eg. Instruction manuals, newspapers, recipes etc Spelling? Spelling? Spelling? Scrabble/ Bananagrams/ crosswords/ word searches etc Y 5/6 word lists- available in school Handwriting: legible and fluent

25 History Geography Art Science Computing MFL
Varied curriculum: History Geography Art Science Computing MFL KIVA PE RE Design Technology P 4 C

26 Questions

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