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Psychoprocesses, public opinion and epidemics: the physics of networks

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoprocesses, public opinion and epidemics: the physics of networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoprocesses, public opinion and epidemics: the physics of networks
wan ahmad tajuddin wan abdullah jabatan fizik, fakulti sains, universiti malaya & fakulti sains komputer & teknologi maklumat, universiti malaya







8 Kloosterveen neighbourhood relationship



11 networks! links topology nodes state (discrete/analog)
computation (binary/weighted thresholding/game theoretical/…) memory (history/connection weights/strategies/…) learning (connection weights/strategies/…)

12 topology ordered/random non/directional dense/sparse scale-free small world communities hubs

13 Neural networks nonlinear weighted sum connections
Layered feed-forward blackbox input-output mappings learning generalization Symmetric completely-connected physics analogue associative memory combinatorial optimization

14 Spin networks Energy description E = - ½ Σi Σj TijViVj + Σi UiVi

15 Logic networks Logic grounding optimization AB,C  Tij
logic interpretation as combinatorial optimization Hebbian learning DTij  ViVj learn underlying logic Logic mining Tij  AB,C reverse process to uncover underlying logic alGhazali causality from correlations

16 sociology Evolution of cooperation

17 Social networks Importance of topology
characterization of real networks Percolation / branching process spread of opinions, rumours, diseases, … Remedial strategies e.g effective immunization

18 economics Wealth distribution money transfer model

19 conclusion It’s in the links!

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