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Title Arial 50pt: Subtitle in Title Case

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2 Title Arial 50pt: Subtitle in Title Case
Presenter Name Subtitle Month 00, 0000 Copyright 2014 IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino All rights reserved. Quotation, reproduction or transmission is prohibited without written permission from IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino

3 Slide Title 30pt Title Case Slide subtitle 25pt sentence case
Single Column Content with bullets Text in gray Arial 28 with highlights in blue Simple bullets Small simple bullets indented And again

4 Content highlight page in Arial 48 sentence case.

5 Slide Title 30pt Title Case Slide subtitle 25pt sentence case
Two column text Two column text

6 Slide Title 30pt Title Case Slide subtitle 25pt sentence case
Run time: 9:30-10:30 Working with Fred Nader he introduced me to this model. A leader sets a direction represented in the first figure by the target with a bull's-eye in the middle Then the leader aligns resources – i.e., gets a collection of followers all looking at the same target Then the leader motivates action that progresses towards that target. Another way to say it is that a leader develops, holds, nurtures, communicates and drives to achieve a vision - not really any different. It is like Harry Potter- the leader is holding and looking at a map that is always changing, making sense of it, and navigating the course accordingly 3

7 Slide Title 30pt Title Case Slide subtitle 25pt sentence case
Run time: 9:30-10:30 Working with Fred Nader he introduced me to this model. A leader sets a direction represented in the first figure by the target with a bull's-eye in the middle Then the leader aligns resources – i.e., gets a collection of followers all looking at the same target Then the leader motivates action that progresses towards that target. Another way to say it is that a leader develops, holds, nurtures, communicates and drives to achieve a vision - not really any different. It is like Harry Potter- the leader is holding and looking at a map that is always changing, making sense of it, and navigating the course accordingly 3

8 Supertitle Italicized. More content here in Arial 24.
Divider Blue Subtitle Italicized. More content here in Arial 28. Image on right should be centered horizontally and vertically in open space.

9 Supertitle Italicized. More content here in Arial 24.
Divider White Subtitle Italicized. More content here in Arial 28. Image on right should be centered horizontally and vertically in open space.

10 Color Palette For charts and graphs
@intelliven Primary Palette Fresh Blue Dark Gray Black Secondary Palette Dark Blue Classic Red Magenta

11 IntelliVen Figures Peter DiGiammarino
website twitter IntelliVen Figures website twitter Peter DiGiammarino




15 Thank you. website twitter

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