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Soumya Sen (UPenn), Supervisors: Carl Livadas, Eve Schooler, DDI team

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1 Soumya Sen (UPenn), Supervisors: Carl Livadas, Eve Schooler, DDI team
Estimation of Messaging Overhead Distributed Detection and Inference (DDI) Soumya Sen (UPenn), Supervisors: Carl Livadas, Eve Schooler, DDI team Objective – Understand overhead of DDI messaging Challenge – Design/evaluate scalable scheme for membership maintenance Approach – Implement a gossip-based messaging and membership scheme Achievement – Evaluation of effect of packet duplication on detection The DDI System Architecture Messaging & Membership Scheme Local Detectors (LDs) gossip their Local Reports (LRs) to random subset of Global Detectors (GDs) LDs and GDs maintain random partial membership view Membership views exchanged between LDs and GDs to ensure view uniformity and prevent node isolation and overlay partition Challenges: Bootstrapping, Isolation Recovery, Partition Prevention/Recovery, Un-subscriptions Extent of LR duplication Effect of LR Duplication on Detection Fig: % of non-duplicate LRs Vs Effective Fanout Fig. Effect of varying effective fanout on worm detection

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