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Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention

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Presentation on theme: "Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention
Chris Jeffries NW Partnerships Lead Samaritans Co Chair GM Suicide Prevention Executive

2 Background and work programme
277 suicides in Greater Manchester (2014) GM SP group working with the ten suicide prevention groups in each local authority area in GM Suicide audit across GM Suicide prevention awareness e-learning Emergent strategy

3 Strategy headlines Suicide safer Communities accreditation for all ten GM boroughs Mental Health Service providers working towards elimination of suicides in mental health settings Strengthen the impact of wider services: supporting and developing suicide prevention Offer effective support to those who are affected by suicide Develop and support our workforce to better assess and support those at risk of suicide Learning from evidence, data dn intelligence such as GM Suicide audit

4 Transformation Bid Developing a Greater Manchester Suicide Bereavement Pathway    Mental Health literacy training Public Mental Health campaign Improving mental health and well being

5 Workshop Priorities for action Identifying groups who are high risk
How do we reach the most vulnerable

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