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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Pharmaceutical Committee Claire Mead, Commissioning Team Manager Primary Care

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Presentation on theme: "Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Pharmaceutical Committee Claire Mead, Commissioning Team Manager Primary Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Pharmaceutical Committee Claire Mead, Commissioning Team Manager Primary Care *Remember to say doesn’t encompass mental health in great detail. ACTIVITY: Write on a post it one objective for the day.

2 Public Health Public health - helping people to stay healthy, and protecting them from threats to their health. Within Local Authority (transferred from NHS in 2013) Joint Public Health Team across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Local Public Health Websites: BeWell Cambridgeshire Healthy Peterborough

3 Cambridgeshire Health Profile
Health generally better than England average One of 20% least deprived counties in England Life expectancy higher than average for both men and women Life expectancy is 6 years lower for men and 4.7 years lower for women in the most deprived areas compared to least deprived areas Sig. worse than England average are ‘hospital stays for self-harm’ & ‘killed and seriously injured on roads’

4 Cambridgeshire District Health Profiles
Significant variation of health outcomes between Cambirdgeshire districts. High health inequalities in Fenland e.g. Adult smoking prevalence is 1 in 5 in Fenland compared to 1 in 10 in South Cambridgeshire (21.6% vs 12.8%)

5 Peterborough Health Profile
Health is varied compared with England average One of 20% most deprived authorities in England Life expectancy lower than average for both men and women Life expectancy is 8.4 years lower for men and 6.1 years lower for women in the most deprived areas compared to least deprived areas Only one indicator is significantly better than England average (‘long term unemployment’)

6 Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours
2 in 3 adults are overweight/obese in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 1 in 5 children (4-5 years) are overweight/obese Rising to over 1 in 4 children (10-11 years) in Cambridgeshire and more than 1 in 3 in Peterborough 1 in 5 Cambridgeshire adults & 1 in 4 Peterborough adults are physically inactive (30 mins or less of moderate intensity per week).

7 Community Pharmacies in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough signed up to deliver Public Health Interventions Service Cambridgeshire Comm. Pharm. Peterborough Comm. Pharm. No. of contracts sent out No. returned and delivering Stop Smoking 109 40 NRT voucher 22 Full service 16 1 NHS H.C. 3 N/A EHC 46 42 30 Chlamydia Screening 40

8 Activity within Community Pharmacy in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
Smoking *Apr17 – Feb18 data EHC Chlamydia Health Checks Cambs Set quit date Quit Lost to follow up East cambs Fenland South cambs City Hunts TOTAL 17 70 9 7 19 122  9 28 5 4 8 54  5 15 2 26  Consults: 3910 Levonelle: 3710  Kits Supplied: 201 Kits Returned: 43  Completed: 21 Peterborough  172  96  61 Consults: 113 Levonelle: 111 N/A   N/A

9 120 Healthy Living Pharmacies We understand that there review point at the end of June. Health Champion, which forms part of the HLPs scheme, training date 14th June 2018 venue TBC

10 Campaigns for 2018-19 Month Campaign May 2018 Mental Health
October 2018 Stoptober November 2018 Staywell- Winter Health August 2018 Change 4 Life December 2018 Sexual Health January 2019 Dry January- Alcohol Campaign Resources- posters, leaflets Campaign Toolkit which will include sample Press releases, social media advice such as Facebook and Twitter feeds

11 Supporting your RSPH Health Champions
LET’S TALK ABOUT: Alcohol Falls Health Checks Mental Health Physical Activity Smoking Weight Step-by-step guides to brief interventions with adults for health and care professionals, local to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

12 Smoking Cessation training
Cambridgeshire- To book a place on any of the training dates call or Peterborough- Dates are set once sufficient people have registered their interest. Please contact:

13 Addressing Local Need: Commissioned Services
Integrated lifestyle services: Cambridgeshire – Everyone Health Health Trainer service – 1:1 behaviour change Group weight management programmes – children (7-11), adults (18+) Health walks NHS Health Checks Falls prevention (for those who can manage activities of daily living) Mental health Stop Smoking Camquit Peterborough – Solutions4Health Group weight management programmes – children (4-6; 7-11 & 12-17), adults (18+) Stop Smoking

14 Addressing Local Need: Commissioned Services
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services iCaSH Cambridgeshire and iCaSH Peterborough provides self referral, confidential clinics for all aspects of sexual health, including sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing & treatment, contraception, and HIV care and treatment, available from easily accessible single locations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Cambridge, Huntingdon and Wisbech areas The services provide support, information, treatment and care for all sexually transmitted infections and onward referral to specialist services where appropriate. The service provides contraceptive advice and supplies including long acting methods (implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs) and emergency contraception. Specialist clinics for complex contraception problems including implant removals or difficult insertions or removals of IUDs. In addition Huntingdon provides HIV Treatment and Care. Please visit Telephone for appointments

15 Peterborough and surrounding areas
The service in Peterborough provides support, information, treatment and care for all sexually transmitted infections and onward referral to specialist services where appropriate. They provide contraceptive advice and supplies including long acting methods (implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs) and emergency contraception and run specialist clinics for complex contraception problems including implant removals or difficult insertions or removals of IUDs. HIV Treatment and Care. Please visit Telephone for appointments Children and Young Peoples Mental Health CHUMS Provides a core contract across Peterborough & Cambridgeshire and offer services to CYP living in Cambridgeshire (5-25 with exception of bereavement) or Peterborough (5-18). Service provides a range of services including 1:1 talking therapies, group sessions, parent groups, and training provision in Schools Please visit Telephone (Cambridgeshire) (Peterborough)

16 Aspire - Peterborough, Orton & Bretton
Cambridgeshire Inclusion offer FREE and confidential support to residents of Cambridgeshire aged 18 and over who: Is worried about their alcohol use? Wants support to cut down or stop? Tried to give up on their own and finding it hard? People can either self-refer via the telephone number, or visiting the website or by receiving a referral from a health professional. Phone:   Web: Bridge Street Peterborough PE1 1DY United Kingdom Aspire - Peterborough, Orton & Bretton

17 How Can Public Health Support You?

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