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Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation Review

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1 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation Review
Vincent Eblacas Untalan Middle School SY 2017 to 2018

2 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 5 major factors in mechanical weathering? (25 points) Mechanical weathering is caused by freezing and thawing----it contracts and expands rock release of pressure---rock will literal pop when pressure is released plant growth---plants can grow into the rock and break it Abrasion----when materials are dragged against each other animal actions---animals can break down rock by their normal activities such as digging or moving around.

3 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 5 major factors in chemical weathering? (25 points) Chemical weathering is caused by 1) Water---dissolves materials 2) carbon dioxide ---can form acids 3) oxygen----causes rust 4) acid rain –will dissolve more and faster than water 5) Living things (such lichens)—organisms can make chemicals that will break down rock.

4 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What two major factors affect the rate of weathering? (10 points) The type of rock since harder rocks tend to take longer to weather. the climate because extreme climates weather rock faster.

5 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
Why are humus and loam an important part of soil? (10 points) Humus is the organic material in the soil loam is the clay layer that controls water levels.

6 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the major soil layers? (20 points) Topsoil is the place where plants and organisms live and has humus the organic material of soil subsoil has the minerals and the partly weathered rock layer.

7 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
Why are organisms necessary for good soil? (5 points) Organisms such as earthworms and ants will condition the soil so that it becomes more fertile.

8 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 7 major types of soil in North America? (35 points) The seven major types of soils in North America are tundra-----has permafrost northern forest----evergreens and lumber trees Prairie----grasslands where we grow food Mountain----high rocky areas southern forest---where you have maple and oak Desert----dry areas Tropical----warm and wet areas

9 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 3 major types of land use? (15 points) The 3 major land uses are Agriculture----where food is grown Development---where people live Mining---where we get raw materials

10 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are 4 of the major ways soil is being conserved? (20 points) The 4 major ways soil is being conserved contour plowing---following the natural slope or terraces conservation plowing---not plowing as deep as traditional plowing crop rotation---the three sisters method such as corn squash and beans by letting soil lie fallow which allows it to rebuild nutrient levels

11 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
Why is reclamation important? (5 points) Reclamation allows people to create a usable piece of land from an area that is flooded or unusable. That is how places like New Orleans in Louisiana and Las Vegas in Nevada were built.

12 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 3 major ways of managing solid waste? (15 points) The three ways to manage solid waste include reducing use---literally using less, only what is actually needed reusing materials---materials can often be used over without processing Recycling---processing materials so they can be reused.

13 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 4 major categories of recycling? (20 points) The 4 major categories of recycling are Paper-----included cardboard Plastic----several different types Metal---aluminum, copper and iron are the most commonly recycled Glass----different kinds of glass

14 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 5 R’s? (25 points) Reduce----actually use only what is needed Reuse----some stuff can actually be used over and over Recycle---literally process stuff into usable form Replenish----that means the resources are put back Restore----that means the environment is repair

15 Earth Science Chapter 7 Weathering and Soil Formation
What are the 4 major categories of hazardous waste? (20 points) Toxic----poisonous so it will sicken or kill organisms Flammable---will burn up especially when exposed to flame or heat Explosive---may blow up Corrosive---will dissolve other materials

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