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Ratio What is it and why do we need to understand it?

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Presentation on theme: "Ratio What is it and why do we need to understand it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ratio What is it and why do we need to understand it?
September Kindly contributed by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia. Search for Jane on Please refer to the download page for this resource on skillsworkshop for detailed curriculum links and related resources including an accompanying PDF worksheet. Legacy Functional Mathematics (2011) criteria L1. Solve simple problems involving ratio, where one number is a multiple of the other L2 Understand, use and calculate ratio and proportion, including problems involving scale 2018 Functional Mathematics content L1.17 Work with simple ratio and direct proportions L2.11 Understand and calculate using ratios, direct proportion and inverse proportion September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia. References: Ofqual (Sep 2011), Functional Skills Criteria for Mathematics Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2 DfE (Feb 2018), Subject content functional skills: mathematics

2 Ratio What is it and why do we need to understand it?
September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

3 Ratio is a way of describing the relationship between different parts of the same whole. This is a four-finger Kit Kat that I am going to share with someone. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia. Remember - the whole in this case is four fingers

4 If I share it equally, how many fingers will I give you? 2
So the ratio will be 2:2 If I shared it so that I got more what would the me:you ratio be? 3:1 The number of parts of the whole is always the total of the numbers. In this case it will be 4. (2+2=4 and 3+1=4) September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

5 Increasing the quantity
If we need double the quantity we multiply each number in the ratio by 2. So if have two Kit Kats to share how many fingers do we get each if the ratio is 2:2? Write the answer on the worksheet and carry on with the next question if you can. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

6 Where might we need to use ratio?
Diluting drinks or making up cocktails (non-alcoholic please!) Where’s Tom Cruise when you need him? September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

7 Using screen wash Halfords -10 Concentrate Screen Wash is a concentrated formula, with additional detergents and water softeners to enable the breakdown of grease and grime even when the product is diluted up-to a 5:1 ratio with water.  September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

8 Making mortar, plaster or cement
Mortar mix ratio The ratio to make mortar is historically accepted as 1:3 mix of sand and cement. Mortar is a mixture used in the building trade to hold bricks together. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

9 Mixing paints to get the right colour
Automotive paint mixing ratios. That’s why you may be watching this video and reading this blog post. Well, mixing automotive paint is really a lot simpler than you think. First let’s talk about single stage paints. Single stage paints are a stand alone type of paint. No clear is necessary to produce a gloss. Think of it as woman’s nail polish. You can lay a few coats of paint and you’re done. It’s glossy and durable. A general mixing ratio for single stage paints is a 8:1:1 mixture. You will have 3 basic paint materials. 1 Your main paint in which ever colour you desire from metallics to solids. 2 Reducer to thin down your paint. 3 Hardener which is also known as activator. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

10 Combining hair tints MIXING RECOMMENDATION
Combine with Welloxon Perfect for outstanding, high-density results. Koleston Perfect Base & Welloxon Perfect (1:1). Special Blonde shades ratio (1:2). Welloxon Perfect is the colour partner for Koleston Perfect Base & Innosense, Illumina Color, Blondor and Magma that ensures optimal colour development. Visit the individual product pages to get specific recommendations and mixing ratios for the colour product used. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

11 Let’s get mixing! The instructions on blackcurrant cordial state a ratio of 1:4 of cordial to water. How many parts in the whole? The bottle holds 500ml so how much is each part? September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

12 Can you name all the world cup football squad?
Do you know how many of them are classed as White British by their ethnicity? September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

13 September 2018. Kindly contributed to www. skillsworkshop
September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia. Teacher – click and drag to reveal each squad member

14 Mutual Respect and Tolerance
How well did the team do?! They achieved much more than we had hoped by getting to the semi-finals and proved that however different your background you can work together to be successful. Mixed ethnicity in team working is just one way of reflecting British values. September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

15 What is the ratio of white British to other ethnicities in the squad?
13:10 – for 13 White British there are 10 other ethnicities in the squad How does this compare with the ratio of WB to others in the population? If the total population is 66 million and WB account for 57 million? 57:9 Can you simplify this? September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

16 The ratio of 1:1.618 is known as the Golden Ratio and is found everywhere!
It simply means that the length of the horizontal is in the ratio of 1:1.618 to the vertical or height. From Kit-Kats to credit cards, playing cards and iPhones , using this proportion means that things are not too fat and not too thin. Can you list any others? September Kindly contributed to by Jane Harbord, International School of Siem Reap, Cambodia.

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