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A What is the ratio of Area to Width of rectangle A? A W 4 u 20 u2

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Presentation on theme: "A What is the ratio of Area to Width of rectangle A? A W 4 u 20 u2"— Presentation transcript:

1 A What is the ratio of Area to Width of rectangle A? A W 4 u 20 u2
= 5 A 10 15 20 5 units 20 u2 4 units Lesson 1 TD 3 Determine the area of rectangle A. A 5u x 4u = 20 u2 NCSC – Mathematics Lesson 2

2 A A A B 5 units 5 units 8 units 4 units A 20 u2 W 4 u = =
10 15 20 A B A 5 units 5 units 4 units 8 units Lesson 1 TD 3 What happens to the area of rectangle A if we double the width? If the ratio of Area to Width of rectangle A is A u2 W u = Use the ratio to figure the Area of rectangle B? A A W W = B A NCSC – Mathematics Lesson 2

3 1 2 A B B 5 units 5 units 8 units 5 units = = A A W W B A
10 15 20 1 25 5 B B 10 15 20 2 30 35 40 5 units 5 units 8 units 5 units Lesson 1 TD 3 A A W W = B A Use ratios and proportions to find the Area of rectangle B? What do we need to do to the area in the proportion? Check your answer by counting the units within rectangle B. What did we do to the width of rectangle A to get rectangle B x2 40 u2 20 u A 4 u u = B A x2 NCSC – Mathematics Lesson 2

4 1 A 2 C 10 units 5 units 4 units 4 units = = A A L L B A
20 30 40 10 units 5 10 20 A 15 2 5 units Lesson 1 TD 3 4 units 4 units A A L L = B A Use ratios and proportions to find the Area of rectangle B? Check your answer by counting the units within rectangle B. What do we need to do to the area in the proportion? What did we do to the length of rectangle A to get rectangle B x2 40 u2 20 u A 5 u u = B A x2 NCSC – Mathematics Lesson 2

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