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NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 29, 017

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1 NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 29, 017
Brief Introduction NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 29, 017

2 For the new OSAP Recipients
PIRE: Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation NM State Evaluation Team Martha Waller, Ph.D. – Liz Lilliott, Ph.D. – Lei Zhang, Ph.D. Christina Lopez-Gutierrez- Kim Zamarin, MPH-

3 Key State-wide Survey Instruments
Baseline & Post Strategies for Success (BP SFS) Required for all Direct Service Providers Collected at beginning and end of an intervention Middle School & High School versions; 6th – 12th grades Spanish & English New Mexico Community Survey Required for all programs Adults 18 and older Collected in the spring throughout the community English and Spanish Annual Strategies for Success (ASFS) For Community-Based Prevention Providers (voluntary + PFS 15 counties) Middle School & High School versions; 6th – 12th grades Collected once a year Spanish & English Can be found at: Tools, syntax, data entry forms, protocols Statewide reports for each tool (local reports only available from program

4 What else do we do? (A.k.a.- How else can we help you and your evaluator?)
Help you identify process and outcome indicators to measure progress in your SOW Help you with your assessment data collection and interpretation Focus group scripts for a variety of populations to identify contributing factors Help established programs polish up your OSAP reporting Provide you statewide data on NMCS and SFS for comparison Help you assess fidelity to your planned programming Help define roles and expectations between program and LE, as they vary from program to program Help you identify new local evaluator if necessary, and train that person on OSAP roles and expectations Help you, when stuck, in meeting your data collection needs

5 Fiscal Year 2017: New Mexico Community Survey Data Presentation
NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 29, 2017

6 Frequency of Survey Respondents by Survey Type in 2017
% NM Counties Represented PAPER- Convenience 7492 69.8 32 On-line- Facebook 670 6.2 28 Qualtrics App 788 7.3 22 Other 1791 16.7 31 Total 10,741 100.0% *This represents the # of counties for both the Qualtrics App and other categories

7 Convenience Sample Demographics: Gender and Race/Ethnicity
Actual % Census % Male 3036 41.4 49.1 Female 4290 58.6 50.9 Non-Hispanic White 2403 32.07 42.3 Hispanic 3316 44.26 45.0 Native American 1277 17.04 8.1 Other 496 6.62 4.7

8 Convenience Sample Demographics: Age
Age Group N Actual % Census % 18-20 990 13.2 5.2 21-25 906 12.1 9.3 26-30 839 11.2 8.8 31-40 1289 17.2 16.4 41-50 1098 14.7 14.9 51-60 1071 14.3 17.4 61-70 758 10.1 15.2 70+ 541 7.2 12.9

9 Facebook Sample Demographics: Gender and Race/Ethnicity
Actual % Census % Male 119 18.0 49.1 Female 542 82.0 50.9 Non-Hispanic White 333 49.2 42.3 Hispanic 294 43.4 45.0 Native American 25 3.7 8.1 Other 4.7

10 Facebook Sample Demographics: Age
Age Group N Actual % Census % 18-20 20 3.0 5.2 21-25 42 6.2 9.3 26-30 67 9.9 8.8 31-40 91 13.4 16.4 41-50 117 17.3 14.9 51-60 17.4 61-70 116 17.1 15.2 70+ 107 15.8 12.9

11 Demographics Describing the Sample

12 Demographics: Gender All estimates of demographics and substance use are Weighted Estimates - to match NM age, gender, and race/ethnic distribution in the state Male/female is 50/50 when the data are weighted. Otherwise, about 40/60.

13 Demographics: Age

14 Demographics: Race and Ethnicity

15 Demographics: Educational Attainment
Census – age break down is different We have more educated

16 Demographics: Military & LGBT Status

17 Demographics: Length of timing living in NM

18 Alcohol Outcomes

19 Alcohol Indicators: Whole Sample & Gender

20 Alcohol Indicators: Race/Ethnicity

21 Alcohol Indicators: Age

22 Alcohol Indicators: Military and LGBT Status

23 Access to alcohol: 18 to 20 year old current drinkers N= 665

24 NMCS Drinking measures: Trends over the past 4 years

25 NMCS Drinking measures: Trends over the past 4 years

26 Prescription Pain Killer Outcomes

27 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Whole sample & gender

28 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Whole sample & gender

29 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Age Range

30 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Age Range

31 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Race/Ethnicity

32 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Race/Ethnicity

33 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Access to naloxone
Outcomes % of No % of Yes Don’t Know When having been prescribed painkillers last year… Were prescribed naloxone as well (n=2,753) 87.3 4.3 8.4 Healthcare provider/pharmacy staff talked about risks in using Rx painkillers (n=2,565) 31.1 68.9 NA talked about storing them safely (n=2,466) 49.9 50.1 Have access to naloxone when having used painkillers to get high in the past 30 days (n=334) 79.4 20.6

34 Rx Painkiller Indicators: Military & LGBT Status

35 Rx Painkillers: Reasons for use (N=1316)

36 Rx Painkillers: Access

37 NMCS Rx Opioid measures: Trends over the past 4 years

38 NMCS Rx Opioid measures: Trends over the past 4 years

39 NMCS Rx Opioid measures: Trends over the past 4 years

40 Tobacco Indicators: Whole sample & gender

41 Tobacco Indicators: Age

42 Tobacco Indicators: Age

43 Tobacco Indicators: Race and Ethnicity

44 Tobacco Indicators: Military & LGBT Status

45 Mental Health Outcomes

46 Mental Health Indicators: Whole sample & gender

47 Mental Health Indicators: Whole sample & gender

48 Mental Health Indicators: Age

49 Mental Health Indicators: Age

50 Mental Health Indicators: Age

51 Mental Health Indicators: Race & Ethnicity

52 Mental Health Indicators: Race & Ethnicity

53 Mental Health Indicators: Military & LGBT

54 Mental Health Indicators: Military & LGBT

55 Mental Health Indicators: Trends

56 Recognizing A Dose of Rxeality

57 Recognizing the Meaning of A Dose of Rxeality

58 Fiscal Year 17: Annual Strategies for Success Preliminary Results
NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 29, 2017

59 Middle school demographic: I
Demographic information Overall Boys Girls Number of participants 3,254 1,569 1,638 Age Mean 12.8 12.9 12.7 Range 10-16 n % 10 1 0.1 0.0 11 326 9.8 10.3 12 917 26.1 30.7 13 1175 36.7 36.4 14 721 24.2 20.4 15 80 2.9 2.1 16 or over 7 0.4 Grade 5th grade 5 0.2 6th grade 806 24.6 25.7 7th grade 1207 37.1 37.9 8th grade 1191 36.2 9th grade

60 Middle school demographic: II
Demographic information Overall Boys Girls Race/Ethnicity  n % White 827 26.5 24.5 Hispanic 2013 60.7 63.9 Native American 171 5.6 5.0 Other 243 7.1 6.6 Language Other than English Spoken Often at Home  1,131 34.0 36.5 Number of Spanish Surveys 17

61 Middle School : Lifetime Alcohol & Marijuana Use

62 Middle School : Current cigarette use

63 Middle School: Current alcohol use

64 Middle School: Current other drug use

65 High school demographic: I
Demographic information Overall Boys Girls Number of participants 3,811 1,938 1,833 Age Mean 15.9 15.8 Range 12-18 n % 12 14 0.4 0.2 13 15 517 12.4 14.7 1017 25.2 28.4 16 27.4 26.3 17 817 22.7 20.5 18 or over 401 11.5 9.5 Grade 8th grade 34 1.0 0.8 9th grade 1,165 29.8 31.5 10th grade 1,017 25.8 28.0 11th grade 933 23.6 12th grade 636 17.6 16.1

66 High school demographic: II
Demographic information Overall Boys Girls Race/Ethnicity  n % White 1,076 29.4 27.3 Hispanic 2,329 59.0 63.9 Native American 136 4.2 2.8 Other 270 7.3 6.0 Language Other than English Spoken Often at Home  1,275 32.7 34.9 Identify as LGBT 357 14.0 Have a long-term disability 454 10.3 17.3 Number of Spanish Surveys 14

67 High School: Current Cigarette and E-Cigarette Use

68 High School: Current Chewing Tobacco and Hookah Use

69 High School: Current Alcohol Use

70 High School: Current Other Drug Use

71 High School: Drinking and Driving

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