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IEEE VTS and Related Standardization Activities

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1 IEEE VTS and Related Standardization Activities
ITU-T CITS Nanjing September 7, 2018 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE VT/ITS 1609 WG

2 Introduction IEEE 1609 Project update Related Information slides
IEEE 1609 Working Group Meetings Completed. August 1-2, 2018, hosted by Qualcomm, co-located and following SAE DSRC Technical Committee meeting and before the SAE C-V2X technical Committee meeting Planned. November 5-6, 2018, hosted by Qualcomm, San Diego, CA Standing teleconference, first Wednesday monthly PSID Registry Experts Sub-group Review, recommend approval of requests for PSIDs to IEEE Registration Authority, cancel if no requests, informal coordination with ISO TC204 WG18 ITS-AID

3 IEEE 1609 Published Standards
IEEE ™ WAVE - Security Services and Message Sets IEEE ™ WAVE - Networking Services IEEE ™ WAVE - Multi-channel Operations IEEE ™ WAVE - Identifier Allocation Note: Reference baseline for NHTSA NPRM, January 2017 IEEE ™-2012 – WAVE – Architecture IEEE a™ WAVE – Security Services and Message Sets – Amendment 1 IEEE ™-2010 – WAVE - Over-the-Air Electronic Payment Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

4 IEEE ™ Projects P1609.2b, Amendment 2, to provide one additional field in the signed data structure to support SPDUs received by functional entity other than an application required to support ISO 21177, ITS station security services for secure session establishment and authentication between trusted devices P , Part 1 - Certificate Management Interfaces for End-entities in development based on research conducted by CAMP Proposed IEEE Rev, incorporate amendments .2a and .2b, errata, and guidance notes (technical clarifications) not in .2a

5 Proposed IEEE 1609.2Rev Roll-up amendments .2a and .2b in revision
Provide additional types of Service Specific Permissions; adds additional informative material; and corrects errors and ambiguities discovered since the publication of the previous amendment Topics discussed by W. Whyte, Project Editor, included: endorsement Peer-to-Peer Certificate Distribution (P2PCDES) design of P2PCD for non-peer applications and P2PCD enhancements Describe CA Certificate permissions and CA certificate profile Download capability for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) PAR to be submitted and sponsor ballot to begin in 2019 For additional information, contact William Whyte at:

6 IEEE P1609.3Rev Proposed elements of revision to 1609.3-2016
formal clarification of informal guidance notes (technical clarifications) developed since December 2016 keeping in mind to preserve backwards compatibility with 2016 version alignment with terminology discussions cleanup ASN.1 in Annexes J, K, L some updates to related info, e.g., security profile template media independence and interoperability service primitive diagrams are media specific, channel information and WAVE information elements (transmit power, data rate, priority, etc.) are PHY specific significant level of effort required to make changes WG agreed to develop annex for media independence and interoperability, draft annex to be ready for November meeting

7 IEEE P1609.4Cor WG agreed to modify corrigendum PAR to Revision PAR for IEEE retain backward compatibility include errata, guidance notes, and other corrections identified since publication consider developing annex to address media independence and interoperability similar to proposal for revision of revised PAR submission before October 15, 2018

8 IEEE P Rev Create process and procedures for requesting, allocating, and maintaining a register of Provide Service Identifier (PSID), considerations include: IEEE Registration Authority Committee (RAC) Policy, Terms of Reference, and Conventions IEEE 1609 WG PSID sub-group (SG) structure, composition, roles and responsibilities, part of RAC process (proposed) Remove allocated PSID list from standard, to official IEEE RA site Establish process for IEEE 1609 WG to review, approve requests for allocation of PSIDs collaborating with SAE J2735 TC, and coordinate posting of approved identifiers with IEEE RAC Administrator Coordination for international allocations of ITS-AID, a.k.a., PSID, to follow and in collaboration with US-EU HTF, HTG#7 task for a global ITS RA with multiple registries and with ISO TC204 WG1

9 IEEE P Rev Changes in referenced international standards will require updating references and terminology Proposal from US-based International Bridge, Tunnel, and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) revision to be able to use the radio in the car as a transponder with different media to be able to use security and SCMS described in IEEE PAR for revision to be considered in November message sets and data sets to be developed in SAE DSRC Technical Committee

10 IEEE P1609.0D14 Revision of WAVE - Architecture, an overview and relationships among the family of 1609 WAVE standards Draft includes resolution of comments from first ballot circulation, first recirculation pending Recirculation closes before November meeting Good reading to understand the 1609 family of standards, after approval

11 Other VT/ITS Projects In VTS, VT/ITS is accountable for a number of projects 1609 family of standards P2020, Standard for Automotive System Image Quality P , Standard Technical Specifications of a DC Quick Charger for Use with Electric Vehicles P2690, Standard for Charging Network Management Protocol for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems; There is an emerging need in global markets for a formal standard for communication between EVCS and external device/services management systems. Such a protocol standard will provide a basis for increasing functionality and interoperability between EVCS and charging services networks P7001, Standard for Transparency of Autonomous Systems; This standard is needed to set out expectations for transparency of AS, to the range of stakeholders outlined above, in order to build trust, provide the means to assure safety, and allow accountability and traceability. The standard will articulate a range of levels of transparency. Note that the VTS Rail Transit Standards Group is very active

12 Liaison Activities SAE DSRC TC (message sets and data dictionary, performance requirements) collocated meetings, joint participants SAE C-V2X TC (upper layer protocol development) joint participants ISO TC204, ITS contributions developing requirements for registration authority (ISO ) required by ISO Directives PSID and ITS-AID registry joint informal management Support for ITS station security functions (ISO 21177) CEN TC278 Observer, WG17, Urban ITS ETSI TC-ITS IEEE SA, Partner SDO NTCIP Joint Committee RSU standards WG (planning stage)

13 Registry and Registration Authority Determination
Ken Vaughn, ISO TC204 WG1 Convener, requested IEEE 1609 WG to name two liaisons to coordinate developing requirements for an ITS (C-ITS) Registration Authority and registry process described in work item ISO On-going teleconferences to attain agreement on the draft of ISO nearing completion with discussions on April 2 Goal is for ISO to sign an agreement with an RA based on the requirements from ISO and expectation is for publication in Q4/2019 May be later date because of mandatory review and comment period for DIS and scheduled ISO TC204 plenary Out-reach to known entities that have ITS-related registries planned by the HTG7 C-RR Discussion continued during ISO TC204 WG1 meeting, April 23, 2018 Monthly teleconferences approved to progress draft and for out-reach

14 IEEE CS LMSC 802.11 Working Group Next Generation V2X – amendment to IEEE Standard 802.11™-2016
PAR Title: Amendment - Enhancements for Next Generation V2X Schedule: Sponsor ballot 08/2020, REVCOM 09/2021 Current Activity (SG Chair: Bo Sun, Amendment PAR draft review and submission for approval Draft scope includes one MAC and “several” PHYs Applicable for fixed, portable, and moving STAs in local areas Operation in 5.9GHz band Increase throughput 2X at access point, lower sensitivity for longer range Interoperability with OCB (802.11p amendment) devices “future” needs, “future proof” technology for V2X applications Study group gathering use cases for NGV and to become a Task Group

15 IEEE 5G Tech Focus Group IEEE Future Networks Initiative
Standards for 5G and Beyond: Their Use Cases and Applications, IEEE 5G Tech Focus: Volume 1, Number 2, June 2017 Authored by Paul Nikolich, Chih-Lin I, Jouni Korhonen, Roger Marks, Blake Tye, Gang Li, Jiqing Ni, and Siming Zhang Full article can be found at References cited included on following slide

16 IEEE 5G Tech Focus Article References
IEEE 802 LMSC Overview & Guide [Online]. Available:  Open Systems Interconnection in general [Online]. Available: ISO/IEC :1994 IEEE 802 5G/IMT-2020 Standing Committee [Online]. Available:  IEEE 802 EC 5G/IMT-2020 Standing Committee Report [Online]. Available:  About 3GPP [Online]. Available:  IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond 3GPP TR Study on New Radio (NR) Access Technology, Physical Layer Aspects (release 14) 3GPP TR Study on New Radio Access Technology, Radio Interface Protocol Aspects (release 14) 3GPP TR Study on New Radio Access Technology, Radio Access Architecture and Interfaces (release 14) 3GPP TR Study on New Radio Access Technology, RF and co-existence (release 14) R , New work item proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – 5G/NR 3GPP TR Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies (release 14) RP , New WID on New Radio Access Technology. 3GPP TR Study on Architecture for Next Generation System (release 14) A Tao of IETF: A Novice’s Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force, Paul Hoffman, Editor [Online]. Available:   IETF Liaison Managers [Online]. Available:  [Online]. Available:   ITU-R Mission Statement [Online]. Available:  ITU-R WP5D,” Report ITU-R M.[IMT.BY.INDUSTRIES] - The use of terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) by industry sectors”, IEEE P1913.1TM,” Draft Standard for Software-Defined Quantum Communication”,  IEEE P1914.1™, “Standard for Packet-based Fronthaul Transport Networks”, 

17 Supplemental Information
March 2018 information report included links to the following National ITS Architecture V8.0 is ARC-IT, Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation NHTSA Proposed Rule-Making – Opinion Still on NHTSA regulatory agenda, gathering information, uncertain when and what the next step will be Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Programs

18 Questions? Thomas M Kurihara TKstds Management
Chair, IEEE 1609 Working Group Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) IEEE Vehicular Technology/ Intelligent Transportation Systems (VT/ITS)

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