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Uncertain, High-Dimensional Dynamical Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Uncertain, High-Dimensional Dynamical Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uncertain, High-Dimensional Dynamical Systems
Igor Mezić University of California, Santa Barbara IPAM, UCLA, February 2005

2 Introduction Measure of uncertainty?
Uncertainty and spectral theory of dynamical systems. Model validation and data assimilation. Decompositions.

3 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: an example
Output measure Input measure Bifurcation increases uncertainty, but how? Tradeoff: Bifurcation vs. contracting dynamics

4 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: general set-up
Skew-product system.

5 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: general set-up

6 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: general set-up
F(z) 1 f T

7 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: simple examples
Fw(z) 1 Expanding maps: x’=2x

8 A measure of uncertainty of an observable

9 Computation of uncertainty in CDF metric

10 Maximal uncertainty for CDF metric

11 Variance, Entropy and Uncertainty in CDF metric

12 Uncertainty in CDF metric: Pitchfork bifurcation
x Output measure Input measure

13 Time-averaged uncertainty

14 Conclusions

15 Introduction PV=NkT Example: thermodynamics from statistical mechanics
“…Any rarified gas will behave that way, no matter how queer the dynamics of its particles…” Goodstein (1985) Example: Galerkin truncation of evolution equations. Information comes from a single observable time-series.

16 Introduction When do two dynamical systems exhibit similar behavior?

17 Introduction Constructive proof that ergodic partitions and invariant
measures of systems can be compared using a single observable (“Statistical Takens-Aeyels” theorem). A formalism based on harmonic analysis that extends the concept of comparing the invariant measure.

18 Set-up Time averages and invariant measures:

19 Set-up

20 Pseudometrics for Dynamical Systems
Pseudometric that captures statistics: where

21 Ergodic partition

22 Ergodic partition

23 An example: analysis of experimental data

24 Analysis of experimental data

25 Analysis of experimental data

26 Koopman operator, triple decomposition, MOD
-Efficient representation of the flow field; can be done with vectors -Lagrangian analysis: FLUCTUATIONS MEAN FLOW PERIODIC APERIODIC Desirable: “Triple decomposition”:

27 Embedding

28 Conclusions Constructive proof that ergodic partitions and invariant
measures of systems can be compared using a single observable –deterministic+stochastic. A formalism based on harmonic analysis that extends the concept of comparing the invariant measure Pseudometrics on spaces of dynamical systems. Statistics – based, linear (but infinite-dimensional).

29 Introduction Everson et al., JPO 27 (1997)

30 Introduction 4 modes -99% of the variance! -no dynamics!
Everson et al., JPO 27 (1997)


32 Introduction In this talk:
-Account explicitly for dynamics to produce a decomposition. -Tool: lift to infinite-dimensional space of functions on attractor + consider properties of Koopman operator. -Allows for detailed comparison of dynamical properties of the evolution and retained modes. -Split into “deterministic” and “stochastic” parts: useful for prediction purposes.

33 Factors and harmonic analysis

34 Factors and harmonic analysis

35 Harmonic analysis: an example

36 Evolution equations and Koopman operator

37 Evolution equations and Koopman operator
Similar:“Wold decomposition”

38 Evolution equations and Koopman operator
But how to get this from data?

39 Evolution equations and Koopman operator
is almost-periodic. -Remainder has continuous spectrum!

40 Conclusions -Use properties of the Koopman operator to produce a decomposition -Tool: lift to infinite-dimensional space of functions on attractor. -Allows for detailed comparison of dynamical properties of the evolution and retained modes. -Split into “deterministic” and “stochastic” parts: useful for prediction purposes. -Useful for Lagrangian studies in fluid mechanics.

41 Invariant measures and time-averages
Example: Probability histograms! -1 a1 a2 But poor for dynamics: Irrational a’s produce the same statistics

42 Dynamical evolution of uncertainty: simple examples
Types of uncertainty: Epistemic (reducible) Aleatory (irreducible) A-priori (initial conditions, parameters, model structure) A-posteriori (chaotic dynamics, observation error) Expanding maps: x’=2x

43 Uncertainty in CDF metric: Examples
Uncertainty strongly dependent on distribution of initial conditions.

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