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Marie Gervais Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead Co-Chairs

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Gervais Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead Co-Chairs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Gervais Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead Co-Chairs
Today, we are very excited to introduce you to EvalYouth. I am Khalil Bitar, and I am the Vice Chair of EvalYouth. I lead this initiative along with Marie Gervais and Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead. Khalil Bitar Vice-Chair

2 Young and emerging evaluators (YEE) and youth stakeholders want to be a part of the profession, and youth and young people want to be a part of the conversation. We were busy during the International Year of Evaluation gathering information and assessing needs across the global context. The one thing we heard over and over as we spoke with young and emerging evaluators, youth stakeholders, VOPEs, and partners was that there is an entire group of youth who want to be part of the profession and the global conversation on Evaluation.

3 Promote innovation in practice
Engage young and emerging evaluators (YEE) and youth and young people (YYP) From there, a main goal emerged… [NOTE: click to make the 3 different parts of the text appear as you read the following] to promote engagement, innovation, and exchange among young and emerging evaluators and youth and young people Promote innovation in practice Exchange of learning and knowledge

4 Accomplishments (Since Nov. 2015)
EvalYouth Launched Khalil Bitar named Vice Chair UNICEF has agreed to be our “home” base EES Training webinar series Pilot EvalYouth-UNICEF internship program Today we celebrate our accomplishments since November 2015: EvalYouth was launched in Nov. 2015 Khalil Bitar has been named Vice Co-Chair of EvalYouth UNICEF has agreed to be our “home” base, and currently concept notes being drafted in terms of two opportunities EY training webinar series EvalYouth-UNICEF internship program as a “pilot” 3 taskforces have been established Each has 2 Co-Chairs and a secretariate to help lead, implement, and oversee the finalized work planes Task Force 1/ Increased involvement of YEE in VOPE governance, committees and activities –> As an example of what they will be doing, they will be harvesting “spotlight” stories of YEE involvement in VOPE governance Task Force 2/ Development of a YEE Mentoring Program -> As an example of what they will be doing, a survey will launch this month to gather what is going on in the world. And, it will be available in multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, & Russian) Task Force 3/ Organization of “EvalYouth conferences” –> As an example of what they will be doing, they will be planning a virtual conference end of this year and are currently deciding on theme. [NOTE…More accomplishments on next slide.] 3 Taskforces Increased involvement of YEE in VOPE governance Development of a YEE Mentoring Program Organization of EY conferences

5 Accomplishments (Since Nov. 2015)
EY YEE received mobility grants Taiwo Adesoba (Asian Evaluation Week) Alejandra Lucero (European Evaluation Society) Social Media Facebook LinkedIn Twitter VOPE Conference Presentations European Evaluation Society American Evaluation Association Réseau Francophone de l’Evaluation Other accomplishments include: Some of our EY YEE received mobility grants Taiwo Adesoba will attend the Asian Evaluation Week and present a paper, titled "Mentoring Young and Emerging Evaluators for Evaluation Professionalisation – Piloting the Mentoring Programme at IDEAS” Alejandra Lucero will attend the EES conference where she will be representing EvalYouth, EvalYouth LAC on a panel sponsored by one of our sister networks, the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation We will be giving presentations at several conferences sponsored by VOPES: EES conference AEA conference RFE conference Social media has taken off. And, we consider EY members as anyone who is interested in learning about out updates and initiatives. From that perspective, our membership is large. For example, when we post something on our FB page, LinkedIn, & Twitter, we routinely reach about 1,000 people per posting across those platforms.

6 To volunteer, email
To become a member: Here’s how you can get involved: To become a member, simply visit our newly launched website and connect with us through social media. To volunteer and be a part of the action, send us an at To volunteer,

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