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Proficient Level Training Workshop

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1 Proficient Level Training Workshop
Manage Your Course Proficient Level Training Workshop

2 Objectives of This Workshop
Increase instructor presence Analyze tools in Blackboard Build engagement Build community Manage tasks associated with course preparation and course delivery

3 Your Instructor Role Professional Evaluator
Manager and Administrator of your course Advisor Researcher Andragogical Methods

4 Personal Prep Work Before Course Begins
Add Faculty Contact Information Add your avatar Create a Welcome/Introductory Announcement Build Content

5 Add Faculty Contact Information

6 Adding Your Avatar Recommended size 150 x 150 pixels
Acceptable file formats include GIF, PNG, and JPEG

7 Create Announcements in Blackboard
Sign your Announcements Do not use your initials as your signature If you use any acronyms, spell out

8 Announcements Hyperlink address. Type in a signature with , then select the hyperlink tool. Settings: Link Path= mailto: your address(no spaces) Target= Open in New Window

9 Post 1st Announcement

10 Create Welcome Video Use Kaltura

11 Rename Your Course Easily identify YOUR current course in the WilmU portal

12 More In Depth Course Preparation
Managerial: Syllabus – Learner Centered Check textbooks, share textbook information Check Instructor Resources folder Add dates to Weeks on course menu Add Assignment Due Dates Review Grade Center/Column Organization Review Rubrics Hybrid: Flip the Classroom

13 Copying and Pasting Content into Blackboard
Blackboard recommend browsers are Chrome and Firefox. Copy text from source and paste in Blackboard using keyboard shortcut CTRL + V.

14 Instructor Resource Folder and Syllabus

15 Full Grade Center: Check Grade Columns Alignment and/or Center Weighting

16 Adding Dates to Course Menu
Use the Full Academic Calendar

17 Assignment Due Dates and Date Management
Manage Due Dates Add Assignment Due Dates Adjust Date

18 Review Roster and Room Location

19 Check Rubrics Show Rubrics to Students With Rubric Scores

20 Course Tools – Link Checker

21 Open Course Hide items Show Links Announcement Course is open
Syllabus is ready

22 First Class Name Review Syllabus section Syllabus
University Grading System Academic Integrity Policy University Attendance Policy Students with Special Needs First Class Name

23 Manage Your Course During the Term
Take Attendance Communicate Weekly Use LMS Blackboard Tools Monitory Students & Assess learning using Blackboard Grade Center Build Community Summarize Class Discussions Hold Office Hours Posting Final Grades Grade Changes

24 Take Attendance in the myWilmU Portal

25 Communicate with Students Throughout the Term
Announcements Means of connecting s Personalized communication Early Alert – Faculty Resources/Log into Early Alert

26 Email –to Students from Blackboard
Use Tool\Send OR use option from Grade Center. When sending an to student from the Grade Center, opportunity to BCC any other user such as a department chair.

27 Blackboard Tools Discussion Board Journals Rubrics Wikis VoiceThread
SafeAssign Tests Collaborate Ultra

28 Kaltura Faculty and students may request the URL for their Kaltura video. Please request the URL by ing Submit your Kaltura video title and your blackboard username

29 Grade Center Expand rows past 10
To view the entire spreadsheet with user names, Go to Full Grade Center Select the button Edit Rows Displayed Type in class size enrollment number or max value of 50 users. Click Go.

30 Grade Center – Manual Override
Manual Override – When entering zeros and then going back in to regrade scores, you may still see the zero in the cell. If that is the case, you may need to View Grade Details for that student and Manually Override the score with the adjusted score.

31 Annotating and Feedback
Feedback to User Area & Grading Notes Annotate Using Box

32 Grade Center – Finalizing Grades
Fill in score for ALL cells in the spreadsheet. The hyphens are null values. Use 2 Total columns – One column primary display is percent, other primary display is score If using Weighted Total, set primary display as % When no scores are entered, and when the calculated column has running totals set to Yes, then student’s grade is a higher calculation than earned. Remember to enter scores in each and every cell in Full Grade Center and enter zeros for unsubmitted work. One common mistakes is when faculty are totaling grades is to not change their - - to 0’s. 

33 Final Grade Entry myWilmU portal Grade Entry –enter grades from the drop down menu Once Saved and Rolled, changes must be made via Grade Change Form

34 Sense of Community Use Tools
Use Blackboard Survey tool Student Polling tool Padlet VoiceThread Connect with students using Collaborate Ultra, Groups Provide feedback

35 Instructor & Student Engagement
Online Engagement Weekly Announcements & Collaborate Rooms Introductory and weekly videos Timely feedback Padlet F2F or Hybrid Engagement Weekly Announcements Introductory and weekly videos Timely feedback Polling Padlet Group Games

36 Contact for Support
Things to Consider Be Prepared for a Cyber Day Announcements are s When using images and videos – beware of visibility When adding a Kaltura video on the Announcement page, the mashup can’t be viewed in an announcement . Place a note to students, “The Kaltura mashup must be viewed in Blackboard.” Choose to focus on best practice Take a look at WilmU’s Online Course Prep List Contact for Support


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