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Smiths Interconnect Early Careers Strategy

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1 Smiths Interconnect Early Careers Strategy
February 2017 - INTERNAL -

2 Interconnect Early Careers Structure
University Partnerships Business led R&D opportunities, PhD. degree projects Group Early Careers Attraction Strategy Owners of graduate brand, partner with universities for recruitment only, lead local engagement/school activity (work experience, day in the life of etc.….) Business owns the academic partnership. Recruitment becomes a by-product. Interconnect joins Group attraction strategy as One Smiths early careers brand Sandwich Year/Year in Industry Minimum 10 months as part of engineering degree program. Interconnect Summer Internship 6 -12 weeks summer program for first and penultimate year students. First possible program: Summer 2017 Interconnect Graduate Program 4x6months rotations in 2-3 streams: Engineering “International” rotation for high performing graduate(s) a possibility as part of program or as an additional rotation Placements pre-determined so graduates develop a range of skills Graduates become a cohort with programs from Group and other BU’s First possible cohort Sept 2017 but ideally 2018 fed from Summer interns - INTERNAL -

3 Proposed Interconnect Summer Internship Program
6 week summer program, mirroring the graduate program Entry is via a one day assessment centre 1 singular placement + 20% of time on business project (pan-Smiths or Interconnect specific) enabling wider stakeholder engagement “Activities” throughout the 6 weeks: Executive speaker series, social opportunities, networking, site tours etc. Interns are assessed throughout and calibration will result in an immediate offer for September starting the following year. “Keep warm strategy” is an engagement and communication plan ensuring graduates stay engaged with the company before they officially join. Placement Agreed Pre-work 2 day Induction 6 week placement Assessment Centre Calibration and immediate offer Keep Warm strategy Pan-Smiths business project 20% of time Learning opportunities and assessment - INTERNAL -

4 Proposed Graduate Program Structure
Group Induction Placement Review Development Workshop Business Project Placement 1 Placement 2 Placement 3 Placement 4 Permanent role transition Continuous assessment. Virtual learning modules if feasible with budget 4 x 6 month placements in specific “streams” within Engineering Training is aligned with Group, pan-Smiths graduates become a cohort and learn together where it makes sense We have engineering skills specific training as and when required. Graduates are assessed on performance. Stretch goals or projects are given to those exceeding and interventions put in place where there is perceived underperformance An international placement and/or experience could occur post program (an additional 6 months) or as one of the placements. It is only be for high performing graduates where it makes business sense to develop abroad – details still TBC - INTERNAL -

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