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Room J9 Class Procedures
LOPEZ, K Sociology How to contact me CLASS MATERIALS Remind Text to: 81010 In the message Required: Recommended: ☐ Spiral Notebook OR ☐ Smart Phone ☐ College-ruled composition book ☐ Multiple pencils/pens ☐ One eraser ☐ highlighters Room J9 Class Procedures Grades will be based on 1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak (no blurting) UNLESS at appropriate times 3. Use Sign Out sheet & Pass when using the restroom 4. Make smart choices. 5. Keep your dear teacher HAPPY. Be in seat when tardy bell rings. New School-wide tardy policy is lunch detention for 1st period tardy 2. Put proper heading on all work. 3. Do not use electronic devices in class during lectures or Instruction 4. Use restroom during appropriate times 5. Maintain a clean and orderly work area. Please pick up your own food trash 6. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 7. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. Expectations The Point System Homework Quizzes Discussion Projects Late Work Lectures / Power Points, Project Directions, Video Links are on my website for further instruction. Every assignment is posted in Gradebook. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to check the Aeries Parent Portal on a weekly basis to view the most current grades for EVERY class. Rules 1. Late: ½ Credit – only accepted until Unit Assessment 2. Turned in Same Day Late: - 20% Grade 3. NO COPYING! 4. No turning in work from a previous Unit – Projects are an exception. These can be turned in until end of quarter for a reduced grade. There some exceptions which are determined by me OR if we have an agreement
Sociology Lopez, K Movies / Movie Clips Absentee Policy 2016-2017
Movies / Movie Clips Absentee Policy We will be watching SOME movies, movie clips and TV episodes in Sociology I will try and show an edited version if Rated R Movies are not in lieu of a lesson – they are PART of a lesson. Be prepared to use the movie as evidence in a project, on a quiz or as part of a larger assignment. * YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is the student’s responsibility to check the class Absent Box and / or the website to find any assignments missed. * A student has two extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Technology Our Smart Phones with School Wifi – IF it works. We all have small computers in our hands – let us use them when appropriate! Other times we will use the computer lab for a larger projects / group project. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. TURNITIN.COM – Assignments will sometimes need to be turned in at – NO EXCEPTIONS! Assignment Feedback will be given through as well Plagiarism Cheating Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given point reductions for the assignment. ** The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment if caught cheating. If appropriate, they will be asked to redo for a reduced grade. . I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for Sociology. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on the website at any time. I Understand I will receive 5 extra credit points for this signed syllabus Student signature ________________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________
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