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Cell Communication Chapter 9.

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1 Cell Communication Chapter 9

2 Cell Communication Ligand Receptor Protein
Cells select what signals to respond to


4 Signaling depends on distance
Direct Contact Paracrine Endocrine Synaptic Autocrine


6 Signal Transduction The events that occur within the cell on receipt of a signal Differ from cell to cell Phosphoralation and Dephosphorolation Protein Kinases Phosphatases

7 Types of Receptors Intracellular Cell Surface Membrane Receptors

8 Types of Membrane Receptors
Channel Linked- chemically gated Enzymatic Receptors G-Protein- Coupled- used second messengers such as cAMP and calcium

9 G-Protein

10 Intracellular Receptors
Found inside of cell Lipid Soluble molecules use them…Like what?

11 Receptor Kinases Phosphorylate proteins to alter function
Can attribute to cancer RTK’s single transmembrane

12 Insulin Receptor

13 Signal Cascades

14 Scaffold Proteins and RAS proteins
Organize Kinase Cascade in the cytoplasm RAS links the RTK’s with the kinase cascades

15 Deactivation of RTK’s Dephosphorylation Internalization

16 G-protein coupled Receptors (CPCRs)
In its on state it activates the effector proteins to cause cellular response

17 Effector Proteins cause secondary messengers
cAMP- activates the enzyme protein kinase which adds phosphates to specific proteins. If deficient can cause cholera IP3- can also activate protein kinase Calcium-very versatile Different Receptors can produce the same second messenders

18 G-Protein Coupled Receptors and Tyrosine Kinase receptors can activate the same pathways…
Why is this beneficial?

19 Cell to Cell Interactions
Surface Proteins Give Cells Identity Cell connections mediate cell to cell adhesion

20 Surface Proteins Glycolipids ABO blood types MHC proteins

21 Cell Connections Cell-Junctions- permanent connections
Tight Junctions…where found? Anchoring Junctions Cadherin and actin and intermediate filaments Integrin-mediated Adherins- connect actin to actin or to ecm- linking junctions called integrins Communicating Junctions Gap Junctions Plasmodesmata

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