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4-24/25-18 Walking Whales Activity, Quiz

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1 4-24/25-18 Walking Whales Activity, Quiz

2 How do we know evolution happens?
happens/evolving-ideas-how-do-we-know-evolution- happens/?#.WtX-6IjwbIU Class Discussion Questions What can we learn from fossil evidence? How do the transitional fossils of whales support the theory of evolution? What specific fossil evidence points to whales’ evolution from land to water?

3 Activity: Whale in the Making
Cut out the six fossil boxes from the handout. Complete the Whale Evolution Data Table by gathering the data about each fossil from the Internet. Prepare an Eocene epoch timeline on paper, using the scale 1 inch = 1 million years. Your scale should go from 56 mya to 35 mya Glue fossil boxes 1 and 2 from the handout at the proper locations on your timelines. Notice the gap between these two fossils. Add the remaining fossils in order by date of discovery.


5 As a group, answer the questions on the back of your timeline
As a group, answer the questions on the back of your timeline. Then, assign each person in your group a question to be able to explain to another group of students. What typical whalelike traits were apparently the earliest to appear? What apparently evolved much later? As each "missing link" was found, how many new gaps were formed? What is the relationship between gaps and fossils? To find fossil evidence to fill the largest remaining gap in whale evolution, what age sediments would you search? What distinguishing traits would you expect to find in whale fossils of the age answered in #3? The absence of transitional fossils does not mean that evolution didn’t take place.

6 Review: Numbered Heads Together
In groups of 4, each person will be assigned a number. Teach poses a problem and gives think time (PENCILS DOWN) Students privately write their answers (PENCILS UP) STAND UP, HEADS TOGETHER - Students lift up from their chairs to put their heads together, show answers, discuss, and teach Students sit down when everyone knows the answer or has something to share Teacher calls a number. The student with that number from each team stand up and answers simultaneously showing their answer on their paper

7 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
1. Original tissues of the organism can be preserved. Original material fossil

8 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
2. Sediment fills an impression left in the sand. cast

9 Identify the type(s) of fossil that the statement best describes.
3. organism buried in the sand Mineralization, molds, casts

10 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
4. Dead organism is compressed over time. Carbonization

11 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
5. preserves an organism’s movement Trace fossils

12 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
6. a fossil copy of the organism in a rock cast

13 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
7. includes mammoths frozen in ice Original material fossil

14 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
8. Tracks fill with sediment that hardens. Trace fossil

15 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
9. Minerals in water replace an organism’s original material and harden into rock. Mineralization

16 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
10. Pressure drives off gases and liquids, leaving an outline of plant leaves, fish, and insects. Carbonization

17 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
11. An impression of an organism is left in rock. Mold

18 Identify the type(s) of fossil that the statement best describes.
12. The process requires mud or sand. Mineralization, molds, casts, trace fossils

19 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
13. Some organisms have been preserved in tar pits. Original material fossil

20 Identify the type(s) of fossil that the statement best describes.
14. Only the external features of the organism are shown. Molds, casts, trace fossils

21 Identify the type of fossil that the statement best describes.
15. can result in a fossil of wood Mineralization

22 Identify the type(s) of fossil that the statement best describes.
16. preserves the internal structure of an organism Mineralization, original material fossil

23 Quiz Instructions 15 minutes to complete the quiz.
Read the directions carefully. No talking No getting up without permission Keep your eyes on your own work When you are finished, raise your hand and Mr. Santos will come to collect your quiz. Then, silently read.

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