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Presentation on theme: "OPERANT CONDITIONING REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:

For each example tell whether the underlined behavior will recur.

2 DIRECTIONS Focus on the underlined behavior and identify whether…
The consequence for doing that behavior was Good  or Bad  or Nothing O Then determine if the behavior is likely to increase ( ) or decrease ( ) Finally say which term of operant conditioning is being shown – Neg. Reinforcement Pos. Reinforcement Neg. Punishment Pos. Punishment Extinction

3 You Should Write #1 (what the behavior is - #2 (what the behavior is)

4 Scenario 1 A student volunteers to answer a tough question in class, and the teacher comments favorably on the quality of the student’s contribution.

5 Scenario 1 Answers Increase Behavior Positive Reinforcement

6 Scenario 2 A wife brings home flowers to her husband because of the special dinner he had cooked for her.

7 Scenario 2 Answers Increase Behavior Positive Reinforcement

8 Scenario 3 A child is sent to his room with no supper after presenting a bad report card.

9 Scenario 3 Answers Decrease Behavior Negative Punishment

10 Scenario 4 Dad & tot enter the checkout lane of the supermarket. When the child screams for candy, dad pops a sucker in her mouth to quiet her down.

11 Scenario 4 Answers Increase Behavior Positive Reinforcement

12 Scenario 5 A child spills milk all over the supper table, and Mom (having had a very bad day) swoops the child up from the high chair and spanks him.

13 Scenario 5 Answers Decrease Behavior Positive Punishment

14 Scenario 6 A student has a terrible headache after an intense preparation period for a test. He takes two aspirin to make it go away.

15 Scenario 6 Answers Increase Behavior Negative Reinforcement

16 Scenario 7 Two children, who usually spend most of their time fighting, finally play peaceably over a coloring book. Dad peeks in and sighs, “At last, they are getting along.” He returns to work without saying anything to them.

17 Scenario 7 Answers O Decrease Behavior Extinction

18 Scenario 8 As a spoiled child is being driven by a fast-food restaurant, she begins screaming that she must have french fries or she won’t survive. The parents surrender and drive in for a large supply.

19 Scenario 8 Answers Increase Behavior Negative Reinforcement

20 Scenario 9 A teenager whines about having nothing to do. Dad gives him a lecture about all the stuff in his room and the good old days when he, the father, didn’t have all that stuff but still managed to be happy.

21 Scenario 9 Answers If you view lecture as nothing: O Decrease Behavior
Extinction If you view lecture as bad: Positive Punishment

22 Scenario 10 A terrorist applies an electric current to the feet of a spy to make her confess. She tells him everything she knows.

23 Scenario 10 Answers Increase Behavior Negative Reinforcement


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