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High Frequency Words #3 Keyboarding Warm-up

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Presentation on theme: "High Frequency Words #3 Keyboarding Warm-up"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Frequency Words #3 Keyboarding Warm-up
Home Row Keys, t, e, h + o, r, n Directions: Think of these as words not letters as you type. Tab twice after each word. Type each word 3+ times then hit enter.

2 after *

3 alone *

4 also *

5 an *

6 and *

7 another *

8 are *

9 area *

10 do *

11 does *

12 done *

13 door *

14 earth *

15 end *

16 far *

17 floor *

18 for *

19 food *

20 foot *

21 front *

22 he *

23 hand *

24 hard *

25 hear *

26 heard *

27 heart *

28 her *

29 here *

30 hold *

31 horse *

32 hot *

33 land *

34 later *

35 learn *

36 learned *

37 least *

38 letter *

39 look *

40 near *

41 need *

42 no *

43 not *

44 of *

45 off *

46 often *

47 oh *

48 old *

49 on *

50 one *

51 or *

52 other *

53 ran *

54 read *

55 real *

56 red *

57 rest *

58 road *

59 short *

60 so *

61 soon *

62 stand *

63 start *

64 stood *

65 ten *

66 than *

67 then *

68 there *

69 those *

70 three *

71 to *

72 too *

73 took *

74 tree *

75 Type each phrase tab once repeat phrase Try for 3+ times each then hit enter.

76 here and there *

77 stand on the *

78 as soon as *

79 look at that *

80 one for all

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