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Following is an overview of how campuses can utilize the Dashboard to place Repairs and Maintenance service requests as well as to view existing requests,

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Presentation on theme: "Following is an overview of how campuses can utilize the Dashboard to place Repairs and Maintenance service requests as well as to view existing requests,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Following is an overview of how campuses can utilize the Dashboard to place Repairs and Maintenance service requests as well as to view existing requests, schedules and leave feedback regarding the work being done in the campus. Stores will go to

2 Login Enter your log in and password, then click “submit”: Username = ***** Password = *****

3 •When you log into the dashboard the “SUMMARY” page will come up first
•When you log into the dashboard the “SUMMARY” page will come up first. The summary includes information regarding the work orders for your campus. You may click on any of the links in the summary to view the respective work orders •The user can also click on any of the menu links under the word “SUMMARY” at any time •The numbers in RED or BLUE next to the dates on the calendar indicate that work orders are SCHEDULED to be performed that day. RED = Scheduled Services/PM’s (i.e., cleaning) BLUE = Requested Repairs (i.e., too cold in the store)

4 The default report is to show ALL open and in progress work orders by tracking number. The user can choose the how to sort the report by clicking on the drop down box as well as choose what types of work orders to review (Scheduled Services/PM’s versus Requested Repairs). Please note that there may be multiple Scheduled Services work orders issued for a given month for certain trades (i.e., HVAC, Pest Control).

5 Step 1: Enter your name and title into the “Caller” field.
Step 2: Choose the “Area” that the issue is located (i.e., Sales Floor or Rest Room). Step 3: Choose the most appropriate “Problem Type”. Step 4: Choose the “Equipment”; if it is not applicable, “None” will auto-populate. Step 5: The list under “Problem” will automatically populate based on your choices in Steps 3 and 4. Choose the most appropriate problem. Step 6: Click “Next” to continue or “Cancel” to stop the request before submitting

6 The Legend explains the colors and icons on the work orders.
Before proceeding with creating a new service request, the existing requests for this trade will show for review The Legend explains the colors and icons on the work orders. Repeated Issue – this issue has occurred within the last 30 days. Click the link to flag the new work order as a “repeat” (possible recall). Open – the request is a Scheduled Service/PM work order or has not yet been “accepted” by the vendor. In Progress – the request has been “accepted” by the vendor and will be responded to accordingly. The user can view the notes and progress of the request. Pending Confirmation – the request has been closed out the vendor and is awaiting store feedback. Completed – the request has been closed out by the vendor; store feedback was received/work at the store should be done. Invoiced – the work at the store is done and the vendor has submitted the invoice for payment.

7 •If troubleshooting scripts exist for this Problem Type and/or Problem, they will come up after you clicked “Next”. •If the troubleshooting works and you do not need to issue a service request, click “CANCEL”. •The Dashboard can also show a “Message” to advise the store to call another department, etc. When the “Message” comes up instead of the troubleshooting, the user will NOT have the option to click next – just “Cancel”. • If you still need to place a service request, enter a complete problem description and click “NEXT”.


9 Once “Submit Request” is clicked, the work order will automatically be dispatched and the user will receive a TRACKING NUMBER for reference purposes.


11 •Click the link to view the existing notes or add a new note
If notes exist for a work order, the date of the LAST note will show as a link under the “Notes” column. •If there are no notes yet for a work order, the link “Add Note” will show under the “Notes” column •Click the link to view the existing notes or add a new note

12 •The notes show in order of newest to oldest
The notes contain a diary or log of all the actions/communications regarding a specific work order. They track WHO entered the note, the DATE/TIME the note was entered, who it was ED TO, and if the SCHEDULED DATE/TIME was updated. •Many actions that are taken by the client automatically generate a note. These help to track the progress of the work order •The notes show in order of newest to oldest


14 The campus has an opportunity to provide feedback for five (5) days after a work order has been closed out by the vendor/service provider. •Click on the “Leave Feedback” link on the Menu or the respective link on the Summary to review these items •Work orders will appear on this page to review once they have been closed out by the provider/contractor




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