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Quick Guide to setting up a science fair laboratory notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Guide to setting up a science fair laboratory notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Guide to setting up a science fair laboratory notebook.
Log Book Quick Guide to setting up a science fair laboratory notebook. This powerpoint should be used as whole class instructions to set up log books, have students follow along with you and set up their log books.

2 Daily Objective Learning Target: We will discuss and set up Lab logbook for Science fair. Success Criteria: I understand how to use my science fair log book. 2 2

3 Take out your science fair Notebook if you have it!

4 Hard bound notebook or composition book
What do I use: Hard bound notebook or composition book

5 Front Cover Title-ex: “Eww don't touch that!” Time Span 9/12/2016-11
DO NOT include your name on the cover! Some students like to decorate their covers to match their display boards. This is not a requirement

6 The table of contents gets updated as you add to your log book.
Your first page of the notebook starts with the table of contents. Designate three pages just for the table of contents. The table of contents gets updated as you add to your log book.

7 Go ahead and number all of your pages now.
Numbering Start numbering the pages of your logbook AFTER the table of contents. Only the pages on the right should be numbered. Go ahead and number all of your pages now.

8 RIGHT Hand pages Should be DATED as soon as information is recorded on them. They are only to be used for FORMAL entries (things that could be graded)

9 LEFT Hand pages Can be used as Calculations Drawings Pictures
Scratch paper etc.

10 No pages should be removed out of your notebook.
Lab Notebook: No pages should be removed out of your notebook. When you mess up, draw an “X” through the page and start again on the next available formal entry page.

11 Lab Notebook: Make sure to glue tape or staple any loose papers so that they do not get lost.

12 Lab Notebook: If you make any changes be sure to make those changes in your notebook.

13 What to include:


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