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Homework: HP #13- read and annotate (FOLLOW annotation guide!)

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1 Homework: HP #13- read and annotate (FOLLOW annotation guide!)
How do fossils provide evidence that all living things share a common ancestor? Homework: HP #13- read and annotate (FOLLOW annotation guide!)

2 Natural Selection Notes
On one side write ‘Darwin’s Conclusions’ On the other side write ‘Natural Selection’

3 Natural Selection Organisms with advantageous traits in their specific environment will survive better, reproduce more, and pass that trait on. Overtime, the advantageous traits will become more common in a population Organisms with harmful traits in their specific environment will be more likely to die before passing their traits on, so those traits will become less common over time

4 Darwin’s Conclusions Variation exists in a population
The variation is inherited and passed on from parent to offspring Some of that variation gives an organisms an advantage The organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce more passing those traits on

5 Rock Pocket Mice 1. Separate the pictures and count the number of light and dark mice in each location. Write those numbers in the blanks at the top of the sheet. 2. Put the pictures in order from oldest to newest HINT: think about these questions 1. What is different about location A and B 2. What color fur would be advantageous on dark rock? Why? 3. What color fur would be advantageous on light rock? Why? 4. Overtime, should the organisms become more or less fit for their environment?

6 Explain what is meant by the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’
Turn in Homework Packet 13 if you did not already No homework this week…

7 Plan for Today Talk about my dad’s heart procedure
Natural Selection Review Antibiotic Resistance Reading Quick Video Antibiotic Resistance Discussion

8 Bypass Surgery In bypass surgery, arteries from different parts of your body are used to ‘bypass’ the blockage Surgery took 7 hours

9 Bypass Surgery Took 1 artery from his left arm and 2 arteries from his chest Arteries are preferred to veins now because artery structure is very different than vein structure Used to take veins from legs

10 Health Care Jobs Surgeon, MD- Does the pre-op work, surgery, and treats dad until he is recovered Physicians Assistant, PA-Works right along with MD, can prescribe meds, did surgical work Nurse Anesthetist- Gave medicine during surgery, monitors patients to ensure nothing bad happens from drugs Operating Room Nurse-Works in operating room, called family with updates every 3-4 hours Cardiac Intensive Care Nurse-THE BEST- worked in the ICU mostly filled with patients recovering from bypass surgery. Went to extra school to specialize in cardiac care Physical Therapist- Saw dad 1-2 times a day to get him walking, teach him what he can and can’t do as he is healing, make sure his walking is the proper form, gave him exercises, monitor his vitals as he was up moving around Surgery Room Volunteer- You can do this in college- she sat in the waiting room with us and had a list of all the patients. Would go ask for updates as needed and notified families as patients were moved into recovery Cardiologist, MD- The doctor that did the work up and cardiac cath, sent dad to surgeon. He will see him for checkups Radiologist, MD (or Radiologist Tech)- Took X-rays each morning to monitor thoracic cavity

11 Find the mistake… The environment started out as white rock, so white fur was advantageous. After a volcanic eruption, part of the rock was black. Since the environment changed, mutations occurred that caused the white mice to turn black. The black mice blended in with the dark rock, so predators were less likely to eat them. They survived and reproduced and passed their gene for dark fur on. Overtime, more and more mice on the dark rock possessed dark fur.

12 Find the mistake… The environment started out as white rock, so white fur was advantageous. After a volcanic eruption, part of the rock was black. Since the environment changed, mutations occurred that caused the white mice to turn black. The black mice blended in with the dark rock, so predators were less likely to eat them. They survived and reproduced and passed their gene for dark fur on. Overtime, more and more mice on the dark rock possessed dark fur.

13 Find the mistake… The environment started out as white rock, so white fur was advantageous. After a volcanic eruption, part of the rock was black. Since the environment changed, mutations occurred that caused the white mice to turn black. Mice that had a random mutation for darker fur when then more likely to survive in the new environment. The black mice blended in with the dark rock, so predators were less likely to eat them. They survived and reproduced and passed their gene for dark fur on. Overtime, more and more mice on the dark rock possessed dark fur.

14 Steps of Natural Selection
1. Random mutations create variation in a species 2. Traits that are advantageous allow individuals to survive longer and reproduce more, passing more of that gene on 3. Overtime, genes that code for traits that are advantageous become more common in a population. 4. Traits that are harmful will become less common, since organisms that posses them are more likely to die before reproduction, so those genes don’t get passed on as frequently

15 Example of Natural Selection- Peppered Moths
Before the industrial revolution, most moths were a ‘peppered’ color They could blend in with the bark of the tree The industrial revolution cause trees to be covered in soot Now, suddenly being ‘peppered’ wasn’t advantageous, being a black moth was Numbers of peppered moths drastically declined Numbers of black moths drastically increased

16 What is going on in the video?

17 Antibiotic Resistance
A bacterium is labeled as ‘resistant’ if it is unable to be killed by one or more antibiotics This is a growing public health problem

18 How does this relate to natural selection?
Bacteria evolve just like anything else and their antibiotic resistance is a result of natural selection A random mutation occurs, give one bacterium genes that make it resistant to an antibiotic That one bacterium will survive better, and reproduce more, passing those resistant genes on

19 Natural Selection and Antibiotic Resistance

20 Steps of Antibiotic Resistance
1. A population of bacteria replicate quickly, and naturally, mutations occur. Some of those mutations may code for proteins that create a resistant bacteria 2. Once antibacterial products are given to the bacteria, the resistant bacteria have a strong advantage 3. The resistant bacteria survive the antibiotics, reproduce, and pass their resistant genes on 4. Over time, the antibiotic will kill off ‘sensitive’ bacteria, leaving only resistant bacteria to remain

21 Even bigger worry… Bacteria can share their DNA with other bacteria cells through a process called conjugation This means, if one bacteria cell in your body is resistant, it can potential share those resistant genes to millions of other of bacteria Even bacteria of a different species

22 Common Resistant Bacterial Diseases
MRSA (staph infections) Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus VRSA Vancomyocin resistant staphylococcus aureus Vancomyocin used to be the strongest/last resort antibiotic These infections are very hard to treat C. diff (clostridium difficile) A common nosocomial infection (hospital-acquired)

23 Why is this a problem now?
1. Antibiotics in agriculture 2. Misuse of antibiotics 3. Overuse of antibiotics 4. Greater exposure to antibacterial products 5. Little financial incentive to make more antibiotics

24 How does overuse led to antibiotic resistance?
The more the bacteria on a surface or on your body are exposed to an antibiotic, the greater the selection pressure is to carry resistant genes If a population of bacteria is never exposed to antibiotics, then being resistant gives them no advantage The more antibiotic exposure you have, the more times you are killing off the ‘weaker/sensitive’ bacteria cells, and allowing the resistance ones to grow

25 Exit Ticket 1. Name four organelles present in an animal cell
2. For each organelle, describes its function and importance in a cell

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