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University of Limerick

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1 University of Limerick
EVALUATION OF A REUSE TECHNOLOGY FOR BAUXITE RESIDUE – EXTRACTION OF GALLIUM Éva Ujaczki, Patricia Cusack, Rama Krishna Chinnam, Seamus Clifford, Teresa Curtin, Ronan Courtney, Lisa O`Donoghue University of Limerick

2 Importance of gallium Ga compounds (e.g. GaAs, GaN, CIGS) provides semiconducting properties Used for the production of microelectronic components e.g. photodiodes, cell phones, infrared emitting diodes, wireless communications No primary Ga mines; Ga in the Earth’s crust is lower than < 19 ppm; Ga can be extracted from bauxite as part of the bauxite- alumina-aluminium refining flow Ga is on the list of CRMs since the first report in 2011; above average economic importance and supply risk Market price in 2017: 445 $ / kg

3 Bauxite residue used in the study
Produced by Bayer process Stored after dewatering by vacuum filtration and mud farming at the disposal area Moisture content of 28% pH 10.9 Main composition: Al, Ca, Fe, Na, Ti, Si Aqua regia accessible Ga concentration: 114 mg/kg Origin Ga [ppm] Source Earth crust 19 USGS Australia 89 Wang et al., Sep. Purif. Technol. 108, 96–102 (2013). China 570 Qu and Lian, Biores. Technol. 136, 16–23 (2013). Hungary 27 Ujaczki et al., J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 92(11), (2017). India 91 Mohapatra et al., TMS 2012 Annual Meeting and Exhibition (Ed.: Suarez), pp. 87–90 (2012). Turkey 25 Abdulvaliyev et al., Hydrometallurgy 157, 72–77 (2015).

4 Objectives Extractability: type of acid HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and C2H2O4
process  parameters (acid concentration, time, T, S:L) Purifying Ga from the leachate adsorption liquid-liquid extraction By-product characterisation

5 Objectives Extractability: type of acid HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and C2H2O4
process  parameters (acid concentration, time, T, S:L) Purifying Ga from the leachate adsorption liquid-liquid extraction By-product characterisation

6 Ga extractability Conditions normality = 2 24h duration 60 °C
100 g/L slurry conc. 250 rpm constant shaking

7 Process parameters Ujaczki É., Cusack P., Clifford S., Curtin T., Courtney, R., O’Donoghue L. (2017) Proceedings of 35th International ICSOBA Conference, Hamburg, Germany. pp. 485–490.

8 Experimentally determined
Optimal conditions DOE optimal conditions for extraction response: max. extractable Ga Optimal conditions 2.5 M oxalic acid 22 h duration 80 °C 10 g/L slurry conc. Experimentally determined 81.1 mg/kg Predicted 85.8 mg/kg Accuracy 93% 8

9 Objectives Extractability: type of acid HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and C2H2O4
process  parameters (acid concentration, time, T, S:L) Purifying Ga from the leachate adsorption liquid-liquid extraction By-product characterisation

10 Zeolite adsorption Kamonsawas et al., International Journal of Polymeric Materials 62(11) DOI /

11 Adsorbent amount (mg/cm3)
Zeolite adsorption Zeolite products SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratio Nominal cation form Pore size (Å) Type CBV 500 5.1 NH4+ 7.4 Y CP 811E-75 75 6.8 beta CBV 2314 23 5.5 ZSM-5 CBV 500 CBV 2314 Adsorbent Adsorbent amount (mg/cm3) Contact time (h) Temperature (℃) Removal (%) CBV 500 10 24 20 99.1±0.1 CP 811E-75 16.8±0.2 CBV 2314 21.0±3.2 CP

12 Adsorption parameters

13 Experimentally determined
Optimal parameters DOE optimal conditions for adsorption response: maximum Ga removal % Optimal conditions 5 mg/cm3 adsorbent 1 h contact time 20 °C Experimentally determined 99.4 % Predicted 99.8 % Accuracy 99.6%

14 Ga adsorption on zeolite from leachate
Conditions 5 mg/cm3 adsorbent 1 h contact time 20 °C

15 Liquid-liquid extraction
Organophosphorus compound: D2EHPA [Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid] dissolved in Kerosene

16 Liquid-liquid extraction of Ga from leachate
Conditions O/A=3 1M D2EHPA in Kerosene 1 h contact time 20 °C

17 Objectives Extractability: type of acid HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and C2H2O4
process  parameters (acid concentration, time, T, S:L) Purifying Ga from the leachate adsorption liquid-liquid extraction By-product characterisation

18 By-product characterization
Bauxite residue pH 10.9 EC 0.9 mS By-product after leaching pH 0.3 EC 39.1 mS XRD by product and bauxite residue Extraction with 2.5 M oxalic acid, 22 h, 80 °C, 10 g/L slurry conc.

19 By-product composition
Bauxite residue mapping EDS By-product of leaching mapping EDS

20 Conclusion Ga could be efficiently extracted
Adsorption of Ga on zeolite has a potential Extraction of Ga from the leachate is efficient but not selective Value alone may not be the primary driver for extraction (avoidance waste, environmental /human health risks, reduce liabilities…) Cheap processes needed: chance for bio-recovery? Further study on the by-product needed: enrionmental risk, reuse potential

21 Project team Visit: Dr. Ronan Courtney
Dr. Lisa Maria T. O’Donoghue Dr. Teresa Curtin Ms. Patricia Cusack Dr. Éva Ujaczki Visit:

22 Thank you for your attention!
Contact: Acknowledgements We thank for financial support by the Al-Source (2014-RE-MS-1) funded by Irish EPA.

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