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This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational.

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2 This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational purposes. The information is not version controlled and as such is subject to change without notice. Vault does not accept any responsibility or obligation to inform users of this presentation of such changes. This includes any copies of this presentation taken and modified outside of the Vault domain. [DISCLAIMER]

3 [Vault] The Home Page The Vault home page is the centralised hub for all Health, Safety and Risk Management activities within the Vault system. Its Configuration can be modified according to each specific users requirements.

4 [Pending Events] A Pending Event is any event type that has been loaded via the Web portal or the Vault Notify app but has yet to be managed through to the Active events register.

5 [Pending Events] Best Practice
It’s Best Practice for all these events to be checked and updated prior to saving and assignment within active events.

6 [Pending Events] Locate Pending Events
All Pending Events are held in the Pending Events Register. This is found along with the Active Events Register, and depending on your system settings this can be found in several ways: Via the Events link in the Vault Integrated Systems section. OR Via the Events Link in the GRC Quicklinks Section located under Risk In the Menu bar also located under Risk. 'Events Register'

7 [Pending Events] Locate Pending Events
Click on the Pending events Tab.

8 [Pending Events] Locate Pending Events
When first accessed the Pending events register has a default view of Oldest event (bottom of list) to Newest event (top of list).

9 [Pending Events] Locate Pending Events
Locating a Pending Event is done by using the column sorting options or simply by clicking through the registers event pages to find.

10 [Pending Events] Locate Pending Events
Once the required event has been identified, simply double click on the record or highlight and click Open, The result will be the Edit Pending Event form.

11 [Pending Events] Edit Pending Event Form
The edit pending event form shows all the existing information loaded against the event. Once in the edit form, you can work your way through each section checking that all mandatory fields have been completed and that the information provided is correct. These mandatory fields are identified by an asterisk. Note: Mandatory fields may differ depending on your system configuration.

12 [Pending Events] Edit Pending Event Form
Any additional information that may have been left out or not available on the initial entry of the event record can also be entered.

13 [Pending Events] Save to Events
Once the Pending event has had all the required information checked, updated or added, making it an Active event is done by clicking Save to events. ‘Pop-up’ notification will confirm that the event has been converted successfully.

14 [Pending Events] Information Missing
If some mandatory information has been missed 'Pop-Up' advice and colour coding on the form will direct you to the required fields. Simply update these fields and click Save to Events again.

15 [Pending Events] What Next?
The Pending event has now been added to the company ‘Active Events Register’. The event details are now ready for any appropriate further action or reporting functionality.


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