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World War I.

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1 World War I

2 Introduction

3 The Story So Far The world was a much better place in 1871
Capitalism had created abundant affluence La belle époque (the golden age) International law ensured everyone had rights and they were respected by others But there was a serious gap between reality and theory –the Great Powers dominated - Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, Italy, France They were spokesmen for the Concert of Europe

4 Upsetting the Balance of Power
Peace and stability was based on the balance of power An attack against one group was an attack against all their allies Liberal ideals were being replaced by more conservative thoughts The unification of Germany had involved 3 wars and humiliated France France lost the Franco-Prussian war and Alsace and Lorraine Alsace had been part of the HRE but had been French for over 200 years Lorraine was wholly French in population The Germans hoped the French would accept the loss, they did not

5 Nationalism Nowhere did political frontiers match lines of nationality
Gladstone supported every countries’ claim to independence Yet eastern Europe was a quilt of countries wanting independence

6 Eastern European Problem
Rumania had been created in 1871 and had been ruled by the Turks, Germans, and Austrians Poland was a bigger issue because it lay in the borders of 3 other countries – Prussia, Austria, and Russia Bismarck had supported Russia repression of the Poles in exchange for Russian neutrality in the Franco-Prussian War 1870 There where 4 great empires in eastern Europe: Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey (Ottoman)

7 It Will Never Happen To Us
Nobody could afford a war There would be no winner The growth of pacifism and the belief that war was a thing of the past “we were civilized.” Europe had seen almost 100 years of peace (1871 is a minor war) Business linked together the continent with lots of foreign investment Better communication and cheap newspapers kept people informed and connected Better educated people would prevent war Even victory would be expensive Ivan Bloch - The Future of War Norman Angell The Great Illusion (1910) won the Nobel Prize

8 The problem was that there was no means for negotiating peace during crisis
Industrialization created timetables for mobilization so that a country had to quickly make a decision, once the troops were moving it was out of politician’s hands It would be the localized Third Balkan War that would become World War I

9 The powers

10 There were also 4 independent countries:
The Balkans There were also 4 independent countries: Serbia, Montenegro, Rumania, Greece They all shared 2 traits: a) hatred of the Turks b) the ability to be friends with Great Powers

11 Austria Austria had an empire but it wasn’t a nation – it was entirely comprised of minorities 1860 Austria was defeated by the French 1866 Austria was defeated by the Germans By 1867 Austria was neither a German nor Italian power but it had millions of both In 1867 Austria-Hungary was created – 2 countries – 1 ruler, hence the Dual Monarchy Hungary was ruled by the Magyars, very pro-German and anti-Slav and anti-Russian

12 European countries controlled the world
Germany - won the Franco-Prussian war, gained Alsace and Lorraine, wanted to isolate France, economic stability, led by the Iron Chancellor Bismarck, little interest in colonialism, unified. France - lost Alsace and Lorraine, weak military, imperialistic in Asia and Africa. Great Britain - “splendid isolation”, colonial conflicts with France and Russia

13 Austria - wanted to limit Slavic nationalism on southern border and hostile nationalism within the borders Russia - very imperialistic throughout the century – but overland: in the Balkans; disputes with Austria over Slavs; Ottomans; Japanese Italy - interest in North Africa led to disputes with France. The Balkans - a politically unstable region comprised of many ethnic groups. Mostly Christian. United States - not involved in global affairs

14 Crises of the 19th Century

15 The 1st Moroccan Crisis

16 Who Gets North Africa The French wanted to establish a protectorate over Morocco and gained the support of other European countries The Germans defended the rights of the Moroccans January 1905 Germany informed Morocco of German support The Dreyfus affair had wrecked the French military plus France’s ally Russia was busy with Japan France was in no position to negotiate.

17 Jan 16 Algeciras Conference – Germany was optimistic
Britain was France’s only ally Italy, Austria-Hungary, and the U.S. supported Germany Germany Believed Spain would switch sides and back them Germany's inept diplomacy alienated even her allies This left Germany isolated Prime Minister of Britain Lord Grey discussed with France and Belgium the possibility of war In the end France gets the protectorate and Germany feels humiliated.

18 The Bosnian Crisis

19 1905 – Russia is defeated by Japan and loses credibility
1905 Failed revolution in Russia causes countrywide instability The Treaty of Berlin had given Austria the right to administer Bosnia-Herzegovina In 1908 Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina - Serbia could do nothing without Russian help.

20 In an agreement Russia acknowledges Austria’s right to Bosnia and Austria agreed Russia should control the Dardanelles Austria took control of Bosnia but the Ottomans prevent Russia from gaining the Dardanelles Serbia threatened to invade Bosnia to liberate the Serbs Austria-Hungary threatened to destroy Serbia Germany supported Austrian claims to Bosnia Russia supported Serbia but could do little to support her. The issue remained mostly unresolved with Austrian Marshal Conrad von Hotsendorf arguing for war no less than 20 times.

21 Wars in the Balkans and North Africa
1911 Tripolitan War - Italy takes Libya from Turkey 1912 First Balkan War: Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece wage war on Turkey and defeat Turkey but Bulgaria is unhappy 1913 Second Balkan War: Greece Serbia, Rumania and Turkey wage war against Bulgaria who tried to invade Romania

22 Nationalism

23 Each nation should have its own state
1900 there were 25 sovereign states in Europe - none would admit to a higher authority France wanted Alsace-Lorraine returned Italy wanted Austrian land Patriotic literature motivated people “my country, right or wrong.”

24 Militarism

25 By 1908 the German army was the largest, best equipped, and best trained army in the world
However, Germany had boxed itself in diplomatically By 1914: Germany had the second largest navy - behind Britain, angering Britain and pushing her closer to France and Russia This wasted considerable money because the fleet was bottled up for most of the war Wilhelm II was a proponent of the arms race 1890: German army was 20, : German army was 800,000.

26 William was envious of the British
A navy would: protect trade routes express greatness protect colonies Naval strength: Britain, France, America, Italy, Germany 1896 Alfred Tirpitz appointed Minister of Marine and oversaw the construction of the High Seas Fleet But Germany couldn't afford the largest navy AND the largest army.

27 More Causes for War - Imperialism: Many countries wanted to gain an advantage in colonies, especially Britain, France, and Germany who wanted more land to colonize particularly in Africa - Nationalism: At this time many countries would use propaganda (convincing using emotions) to tell their people that they were the best in the world, and that all other people in the world were inferior to them - Add to that a belief, taught to children, that war is glorious and an honorable thing to do

28 Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade! "Charge for the guns!" he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred.

29 Flash'd all their sabres bare, Flash'd as they turn'd in air, Sabring the gunners there, Charging an army, while All the world wonder'd: Plunged in the battery- smoke Right thro' the line they broke; Cossack and Russian Reel'd from the sabre stroke Shatter'd and sunder'd. Then they rode back, but not Not the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon behind them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell, They that had fought so well Came thro' the jaws of Death Back from the mouth of Hell, All that was left of them, Left of six hundred. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honor the charge they made, Honor the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred.

30 Summary

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