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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE FEBRUARY 13, 2017."— Presentation transcript:


Strategic Goals Evolve as an organization Provide funding for spectrum of quality services Become more open and transparent Explore TCM Reduce cash balance Hire ED Strengthen governance Determine needs Align funding priorities with needs Ensure funding processes are effective Increase quality of outcomes Strengthen relationships Communicate with County Executive Enhance communication with public The Board approved this plan a little less than a year ago. Our work since that time has focused on execution of this plan. I’m going to go a bit deeper into activities and accomplishments within each of these goals First we have the goal of evolving as an organization.

3 Strengthen Governance
EVOLVE AS AN ORGANIZATION DMH issued RFP in October PLB will help select TCM provider if progresses Monitoring TCM rate adjustments Explore TCM Needs assessment in process which will drive strategy Conducted one-time grant process = $1.8m Unexpected SB3 reduction = approx. $600k Invested in 3 new ongoing projects Awarded a 1% COLA Reduce Cash Balance Board Lunch and Learns for QESE and Finance Revised materials Increased communication Strengthen Governance The Board has charged us with looking beyond our role investing tax dollars and providing fiduciary oversight, to being the partner the community needs us to be and serving as leaders in creating solutions. Reduce cash balance – take steps to ensure the cash balance is being kept at a healthy level and that it doesn’t grow too large. The last two bullets are more about keeping the cash balance from continuing to grow. Providing the tools the Board needs to effectively do its job while being mindful of the time it takes to do so. Ensure the Board understands the issues, what the possible outcomes are, and support informed decision making. Revised materials - funding dashboard, clarified reports and agendas, summary documents, consent agendas, revised the committees Increased communications between PLB staff and Board informed discussions at committee and Board meetings

Needs assessment in process Survey will be issued in March Results by August 2017 Determine Needs Develop investment strategy based on: results of survey current environmental factors stakeholder conversations Align Funding Priorities with Needs Changed POS contracts to grants Transitioning up to 100 individuals that receive transportation to Partnership for Hope Waiver Leveraging resources – Innovative Partnership Ensure Funding Processes are Effective Completed review of PLB’s history of quality monitoring practices (Past) Agencies completed QESE survey (Present) Participating in Funders Learning and Evaluation Group and aligning with SB40 Boards (Future) Increase Quality of Outcomes Ensure money is going to the right places using the right methods that produce the best results. Amendment - Tool to use in future is part of the deliverables The environment is changing. There are mandates to ensure inclusion in both residential and employment settings, which may come at a higher cost. Revenue is not increasing, (around $20m) so we need to ensure what we are investing in continues to have the impact the community needs.

Improved communication Engagement in decision making processes Increased sharing of information Exploration of creative partnership opportunities Strengthen Relationships with Funded Agencies PLB website modified PLB Snapshot and Annual Report available Communication with St. Louis County Government increased Enhance Communication with Public A great deal of PLB’s energy is going into these relationship areas. Ensure understanding of what PLB does and why – remove mystery and build trust. Removed “compliance” from our processes as well as how we view our role as partners (loan process, QESE survey) PLB staff have systematically assessed our relationships and identified key areas for modification: The language we use: funded agencies = partners compliance = meet policy and procedures (used in letters, policy and procedure manual also) funding = investing Transparency - such as the use of visuals at meetings Exploring ways to expand our relationship beyond funding Innovative Partnership We have historically extended assistance when asked, but are now reaching out before asked when we see opportunities or the need. We believe that part of taxpayer accountability is helping agencies be more efficient, ensure financial stability, that the investment is sound and that results will be achieved. Website - more detail regarding who we are and what we do; staff photos, bios, Board ; Facebook presence I hope the Board sees that the vision and mission of PLB are being realized and that you are as energized by what is still ahead of us as the PLB staff are.

As of January 31, 2017

7 REVENUE Significant Deviations from Budget or Prior Year Revenue
- Revenue $273k below prior year and budget. Anticipate a $600K shortfall in SB-3 Transportation Revenue for Year.

Significant deviations from Prior Year or Budgeted Administration Expense - Administration Expenses slightly below budgeted levels.

9 PROJECT EXPENSES Significant deviations from Budgeted Project Expense
- Project Expenses slightly higher than prior year due to slight increase in utilization and new on-going projects added in FY17, but below full utilization as anticipated.

10 PROJECT UTILIZATION Significant Deviations in Project Utilization
- Project Utilization consistent with prior year levels and below budget as planned.

11 CASH FORECAST Major Assumptions in Forecast
- Ongoing Revenue and Expenses perform at budgeted levels of breaking even. - $1.8 Million expended on One-Time Capacity Building Grants. - Anticipated one-time shortfall of $0.6 Million in SB-3 Transportation Revenue.

12 UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Project utilization rates are monitored and tracked throughout the year With agency consultation, changes are recommended for projects that have not fully utilized funds over a 3 year period Utilization may be low due to delayed billings, census fluctuations, seasonal projects, agency capacity

13 UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Mid-year utilization by service area:
Full utilization = 50% Community Supports – 39%* Employment – 47% Individual Supported Living – 43% Individual/Family Supports – 54% Older Adult Supports – 54% Pre-Employment – 38%* Transportation – 40% (billing delayed – full utilization = 42%) * include seasonal projects Fiscal Year 2018 recommended reductions: 3 ISLA projects reduced by average of 17% = $138k 2 Employment projects reduced by average of 13% = $82k

Status Update

Strengthen agency’s ability to fulfill mission Positive impact on the lives of people served Streamlined process Resources made available as soon as possible Board approved $1.8 million/up to $50,000 per agency Strategy 36 partner agencies applied 63 requests received 4 primary categories: 18 Education/Training and Program Enhancement 21 IT Hardware and Software 6 Consultation 18 Capital Items and Equipment Applications Requests increase: Efficiencies and effectiveness Health and safety Independence Outcomes


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