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Kalkaska, MI.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalkaska, MI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kalkaska, MI

2 Where is Kalkaska? Kalkaska, MI was founded on January 22, It was one of the largest cities in Northern Michigan for the logging industry. Kalkaska is just outside of Traverse City (18 miles) and is considered a mircopolitan statistical area

3 Kalkaska September 12, 2012 7:23 PM 80° F
561 square miles of natural resources 80 inland lakes 275 miles of streams & rivers Multiple state & county parks

4 Then…and…Now 1910 2012

5 Home of the… National Trout Festival Winter-Fest County Fair
Blue Grass Festival Strawberry Social Christmas in Kalkaska

6 Demographics 2011 Population: 17, 160 Income: Median White: 96.6%
Black: 0.6% American Indian: 0.9% Asian: 0.3% Income: Median 2009: $ 34, 164 2010: $ 37, 496

7 Amenities & open spaces
Golf Course Swimming & skating rink Soccer Baseball

8 Amenities & open spaces
Lakes, rivers, ponds Recreational Parks Meeting Centers-VFW Hall

9 Transportation Car Truck SUV Motorcycle Bus Cab Emergency Vehicles
* A majority of vehicles in the Kalkaska area are newer models


11 Commercial Buildings Some are new… Some are old…
Grocery center & strip mall

12 Government Offices Department of Transportation Post Office
Fire Station

13 Government Offices Chase Bank Members Credit Union

14 Kalkaska Courthouse Kalkaska Courthouse 1900 Kalkaska Courthouse 2012

15 Health Services Kalkaska Memorial Hospital

16 Health Services Kalkaska Independent Living Facility

17 Learning & Teaching Facilities

18 Residential Areas

19 Residential Areas Some houses are new and some are old (built in the early 1900’s) Some have nice lawns and are kept up well; others need to be renovated Some live in a mobile home, apartment, subdivision, in town, and some are abandoned * Top picture: This house was owned by a local physician in the year of It was not only his office; but residence as well. The original flooring, walls, and doors still stand today

20 Religion Baptist Catholic Jehovah Witness Church of Christ

21 Ways of communicating to the public
Message Boards Newspaper Graffiti

22 Rebekkah McConnell

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