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Ontario Shared Services

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1 Ontario Shared Services
Enterprise Business Services Division Forms, Print & Distribution Services Branch Presentation on Publications Ontario Initiatives to Queen’s Printers' Conference June 2016

2 Organizational Goals & Initiatives
Key priorities for our Branch and Division: Best in class business services, service expansion, and people and organizational effectiveness are the key priorities for Ontario Shared Services Continuing the shift from Print to Digital aligns with these objectives and helps us stay relevant OSS is also conducting a 5 year strategic planning exercise it is calling the OSS Blueprint 13/11/2018

3 Publications Warehousing & Distribution
Fiscal Year 48,166 orders processed 5,621,038 publications delivered 1,440 unique titles shipped 96% orders shipped within 24 hours Met service guarantee 100% of the time Completion of Warehousing Review Completed a review in 15/16 to look at warehousing and distribution needs/opportunities We will be looking at consolidating our warehousing operations to achieve greater efficiencies Warehousing and distribution continues to be the main focus of our operation. Although we processed a high volume of orders in 15/16 as you can see by the numbers, we did see a decline from some of the previous years. We believe this is due to a general decline in the demand for print products, some of our ministry clients going online only, as well as no major new initiatives this year. E.g., we didn’t release a new building code this year. Based on the review of our warehousing operations we completed this past year, we determined it will be more cost effective if we consolidate warehouses and bring our publications in house to be stored with our forms and commercial print products. 13/11/2018

4 Ontario Gazette Modernization Project
Modernized Gazette website improving functionality Regarding the Ontario Gazette, although the main driver of revamping the site was accessibility compliance, we think it has improved the online readability The PDF is still available for download within the HTML version so we are offering our clients a choice of format now. The print version remains the official version for now. 13/11/2018

5 Ontario Gazette Modernization Project
New HTML formatted AODA accessible version of the Ontario Gazette Converted to HTML and uploaded 15 years of previous Gazette issues Converted 50,000 pdf pages into HTML format Saved ~$250,000 using in-house staff (vs 3rd party consultant) Client outreach program implemented to ensure compliance New streamlined Gazette publishing process Client orientation program covering guidance and templates The project involved the conversion of 50,000 pages of PDF gazettes, stretching over 15 years, into HTML format. We saved around ~$250,000 on this project by converting Gazettes from PDF to HTML through the use of in-house staff. To ensure awareness of and compliance to the AODA, we supported this project with a client outreach program. Lastly, we introduced new and streamlined business processes for Gazette publishing . Clients quickly adopted to the new processes by using the guidance tools and templates that we provided. 13/11/2018

6 Copyright Update Ontario’s agreement with Access Copyright expired March 2016 Publications is now paying Access Copyright based on the tariff rate established by the decision of Copyright Board Working with Archives of Ontario and Treasury Board Secretariat to update the out of date Intellectual Property Directive Current Directive requires licencing of any information used for commercial purposes Licencing framework to address Open Information objectives Everyone is now very familiar with the decision of the Copyright Board. Based on that decision, we decided not to renew our agreement with Access Copyright. Instead we are paying the tariff rate, and like the rest of you, are eagerly awaiting next steps in the appeals and any subsequent rulings. We are also working with other Ontario government stakeholders on revisions to the Intellectual Property Directive. This directive dates back to the 1990s and requires anyone wanting to use government information for commercial purposes to seek a licence. 13/11/2018

7 Digital Collection Increase
In 2015/16, we added 1,871 titles (~ 155 per /month) Summer students researched ministry websites and discovered ~ 3,900 online only publications that were not in our database to set them up in our e-commerce system During the fiscal year approximately 1,900 titles were added to our website. Around 3,900 online items were also added during the summer by taking online publications present in client ministries and adding to website 13/11/2018

8 E-Commerce System Replacement
Our project to replace our e-commerce and order management system is well underway, with a Request for Bids posted on May 30 Planning to procure a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution as most cost effective option to modernize the service Timeline for having a replacement system is Winter 2017 13/11/2018

9 Online Ordering vs Telephone Channel
E-Commerce Shopping Site: Continues to Grow (2015: 70%) Online Ordering Channel 70% Telephone Channel 30% Online Ordering Channel 69% Telephone Channel 35% Online Ordering Channel 65% We do out best to enhance our customer’s E commerce experience as this channel continues to grow, increasing from 65% channel share two years ago to 70% last year. This growth is expected to continue. 13/11/2018

10 Continued Shift to Digital
Currently promoting our new digital services: Paper file conversion (scanning) and OCR E-mass mailing Strong demand for E-forms, leveraging our new Adobe Experience Manager server to build in workflow - We will be looking at putting in place vendors of record for digital conversion services to supplement our in-house capabilities as we expect increasing demand for that service. E-mass mailing service has also proven successful and is growing slowly. And our e-forms services are in high demand and now that we have our new Adobe Experience Manager server in place, we are carrying out a number of projects 13/11/2018

11 Commercial Print Services
As of April 1, 2016, we are promoting mandatory use of our commercial print services to Ontario Government clients To fulfill this mandate, we have in place a Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement for use by our branch covering the following print categories: Sheetfed Offset Printing Web Offset Printing Digital Printing Digital Large Format Printing Basewrap Printing Book Printing Last year we implemented our new vendor of record arrangement for commercial print services. This year we are communicating the mandatory use of our services to clients across the Ontario Government. 13/11/2018

12 Other Policy Initiatives
Publications Directive Challenge is how to align with Open Information objectives Some of the issues still be addressed include: Where to host publications Format (PDF vs HTML) Archiving of obsolete publications Forms Policy Looking at making design services mandatory, in line with OSS’ Service Expansion mandate Have issued a Request for Bids for VORs for forms design Besides the Intellectual Property Directive, we have been working on modernizing our Publications Directive which dates back to the 90s. As I mentioned previously, we have a Forms Management Policy that we are also looking at updating. The main change we are contemplating is making forms design mandatory, given that OSS has been given a mandate to expand its services 13/11/2018

13 Looking Forward…. Changes to warehousing service model
Modernization of e-commerce system Continued roll out of mandatory commercial print services Ongoing dialogue with stakeholders regarding approach to digital publications and licencing of information Recommendations from Ontario’s Blueprint Exercise Expansion of e-services 13/11/2018

14 Questions 13/11/2018

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