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What caused a growth in Nazi support between 1929 and 1932?

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1 What caused a growth in Nazi support between 1929 and 1932?
Starter: Using your knowledge from your homework. Explain for each problem how Hitler attempted to fix the Nazi Party after his release from prison. Although they had a 25 point programme, the party did not have a proper ideology. They had no proper structure. They were virtually unknown outside Munich. The SA were a potential threat to Hitler, as they were difficult to control. They were split between nationalists and socialists within the party. In this lesson, we will: Explain the consequences of the Wall Street Crash on German society in the 1930s. Explain how the Nazi Party gained support from different areas of German society.

2 How important was the Wall Street Crash, 1929?
In October 1929, the price of shares on Wall Street in New York began to fall. People began to get really scared of losing money so tried to sell their shares before the value dropped. This led to panic selling – on 24th October million shares were sold. This panic selling caused prices to fall even lower e.g. shares worth $20,000 in the morning fell to $1,000 in the evening. Within a week, investors had lost $4 billion – this is known as the Wall Street Crash. German banks were massive investors in the US stock exchange so suffered huge losses. Germans rushed to their banks to get their money out which caused them to run out of cash (run on the banks). This caused countless banks to go out of business and the entire banking system to collapse! The impact of this was terrible for Germany – millions became unemployed and homeless, industries collapsed and trade stopped. This was known across the world as “The Great Depression”

3 Learning Task One Read the worksheet given to you by your teacher. For each description, identify the group impacted by the Wall Street Crash: Nazi Party Communist Party German Banks German people Weimar government


5 What was so appealing about the Nazi Party?
The Weimar Republic had appeared weak and useless at dealing with unemployment, but the Nazi Party was strong and promised to restore order and make Germany strong in the world. Their leader (Hitler) was very popular – he was featured in all posters and spoke in as many parts of the country as possible. He was one of the first politicians to use aeroplanes in a whirlwind tour of Germany in the 1930 and 1932 elections. They had massive support from businesses, so could use posters, radio broadcasts and aeroplanes to their advantage. The SA and SS made them look strong enough to deal with any unrest. Much stronger than the KPD. Their policies were cleverly aimed at all groups within Germany – big business, working classes, middle classes, farmers, young people and women.


7 Learning Task Two Targets 7-9
Identify three ways the Nazi Party tried to get their support Explain clearly how each policy would have convinced them to support the party. For each of the different groups within Germany: Young people Businesses Working class Middle class Women Farmers Targets 5-6 Identify three ways the Nazi Party tried to get their support What impact would this have? Did it work? Targets 1-4 For each, explain why they supported the Nazi Party.

8 Women and the family Young People Working Class

9 Businesses Middle Classes Farmers

10 Working Class Middle Class Business
Used their name (National Socialist Workers Party) to show they cared about the workers. Used policies to attract them – traditional values, stronger Germany, full employment etc. Propaganda used slogans promising “Work and bread” Biggest appeal to businesses was making Germany a strong trading partner in the world. They also promised to keep Communists out of power. This would have appealed to businesses as a Communist government could lead to industries being taken under state control. Hitler promised to fix the problems of the Great Depression (they had lost land, savings etc.) Nazis offered an alternative to Communists. Nazis were against moral decline (drinking, sexual openness etc.). Middle classes welcomed a return to traditional German values.

11 Working Class Young People Women
Propaganda showed women that the party appealed to women and the family. Slowly many women came to see this as attractive. Some women liked the loans they could get if they had children. Some women liked how the Nazis made them feel like the most important part of the future Germany Changed their policy to say private land would only be confiscated if owned by Jews which reassured farmers as it would protect them form communists. Also traditional views on women, art and culture was similar to those held by farmers who dispised the relaxed atmosphere of the 1920s. Nazis used fashionable uniforms, colourful rallies and Hitler’s speeches to appeal to young people. Hitler Youth was well received by young boys who saw it as a way of becoming a strong soldier and make new friends.

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