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Alexander the Great & Hellenistic Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander the Great & Hellenistic Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander the Great & Hellenistic Culture

2 Setting the Scene… After the Peloponnesian War, many Greek city-states were severely WEAKENED Rapid decline in military & economic power What are your predictions for ancient Greece???

3 Macedonia

4 Macedonia Large kingdom of mountain villages north of Greece
Ruled by King Philip II Wanted to take control of Greece, as well as Persia

5 Macedonia Philip creates a well-trained army; invades Greece
In 338 BC Philip is victorious - Greece is under Macedonian control But in 336 Philip is killed & his son Alexander becomes King of Macedonia


7 Alexander’s Early Life
He is tutored by Aristotle & received extensive military training At 20, he becomes king You will now memorize The Iliad It’s my favorite book!

8 Persian Invasion Alexander was determined to carry out the second part of his father’s plan INVADE PERSIA…

9 Persian Invasion Alexander & his army march into Egypt
Successfully conquer & liberate Egypt from Persian control Is crowned Pharaoh Founds the city of Alexandria

10 Persian Invasion They capture Babylon & burn the Persian capital city of Persepolis Eventually, they achieve the total destruction of the Persian Empire


12 Other Conquests Fights across deserts of central Asia to India
Conquers the Indus Valley around 326 BC But…

13 Other Conquests After 11 years of fighting & marching more than 11,000 miles, the troops refuse to go any further – Fail to conquer India They return to Babylon & Alexander dies in 323 BC; he was just 32 years old ?

14 Alexander’s Legacy


16 Alexander’s Legacy: Hellenistic Culture

17 Alexander’s Legacy HUGE CULTURAL IMPACT
Blended many different cultures Resulted in a NEW culture: Hellenistic Culture

18 Alexander’s Legacy Hellenistic Culture:
Greek + Persian + Egyptian + Indian influences

19 A New Language? New Language:
Koine (comes from the Greek word for ‘common’) Allowed for a common means of communication throughout the Hellenistic world

20 Trade & Diversity Alexandria, Egypt: Located on the Nile River
The cultural & trading center of Hellenistic civilization

21 Science & Technology Scholars in Alexandria preserved Greek & Egyptian learning in the sciences Alexandria’s attractions include the Pharos lighthouse, museum, art galleries, zoo, huge library, etc… Alexandria’s strategic location makes it a prosperous trading location & a populous city Alexandria’s scholars preserve Greek & Egyptian learning in the sciences, astronomy, math & physics Euclid forms the basis of geometry

22 Science & Technology Scientific Achievements:
Sun BIGGER than the earth Earth & other planets REVOLVE around sun The circumference of earth (estimated 28,000; actual size  25,000)

23 Mathematics Euclid: Geometry Archimedes: Value of Pi, law of the lever
Pythagoras: Pythagorean Theorem

24 Decline of Hellenistic Culture

25 The Decline By 150 BC Hellenistic civilization was in decline…
A new city called ROME was growing & gaining strength during this time

26 The Decline Through the city of Rome, Greek drama, architecture, sculpture & philosophy were preserved The CORE of western civilization…

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