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Revelation Part 4 Lesson 10
Battles and Bloodshed!!! Rev. 14: Blood on the earth WHEN the clusters are reaped and thrown into God’s wine press of wrath. Blood OUTSIDE the city, for about 200 miles Rev. 16:12-16 Euphrates is dried up at the 6th bowl in order for the kings to gather for war on the Great Day of God – at Armageddon Evil spirits from the unholy trinity perform signs to gather the kings Rev. 19:11-21 The King of kings and Lord of lords treads the wine press WHEN He comes. Rev. 14:17-20 now has a time: at the 6th bowl
Nations go against Jerusalem
Zech All the nations of the earth will be gathered against Jerusalem 14:2 Jerusalem will be captured and half of the people there will be exiled: half will remain Houses will be plundered and spoil taken THEN the Lord will defend her inhabitants, and set about to destroy the nations 14:3 12:10; 13:1 This will be the time of His 2nd coming when all Israel is saved (Rom. 11:26) 12:10 “The Spirit of grace and supplication poured out and (13:1) a fountain is opened for sin and impurity”
The Lord’s Coming Is. 34:2,3 & 5 The Lord’s wrath against the armies of the nations comes, especially Edom Is. 34:5 His sword, from heaven, will descend on Edom to be filled with blood (Rev. 19:15) Is. 34:7-8 Their land will be soaked with blood in The Lord’s day of vengeance for Zion Is. 34:10 Edom will become a place of desolation Jer. 49:13-22 Jer. 49:13 Bozrah becomes a place of perpetual ruins/wastes An envoy is sent to gather against Bozrah for battle The LORD has planned against Bozrah (49:20)
Isaiah 35 AFTER Edom’s destruction by the Lord, (Is. 34:5) THEN He will save Israel Is. 35:4 He will come with a vengeance to recompense those who are against Judah and Jerusalem BUT to save Israel Is. 35:10 The redeemed and ransomed of the Lord will return to Zion……are these the ones who fled to the wilderness to escape the beast?
Isaiah 63 The wine press of God’s wrath seems to begin at Bozrah in Edom Is 63:1 parallels Rev. 19:11 “In righteousness He judges and wages war” Is. 63:3 parallels Rev. 19:13 “He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood” Is. 63:6 parallels Rev. 19:15 “He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty” Rev. 14:20 gives the location of the wine press: Outside the city of Jerusalem Dan. 11:41 Edom, Moab and Ammon will be rescued from his hand: maybe where the woman flees from the beast Rev. 12:17
Habakkuk 3:3-15 3:3 God comes from Teman, Mt. Paran
3:5 Plague went before Him and pestilence followed His steps 3:8 He rides with His horses and victorious chariots 3:12-13 He tramples the nations and goes forth for the salvation of His people 3:13 He strikes the head of the house of the evil/wicked to lay him open from thigh to neck
Joel 2:30-3:21 2:31 Blood, fire and smoke Rev. 6:12; 8:7, 10, 12; 9:2;18:9 6th Seal, 1st, 3rd 4th and 5th Trumpets BEFORE The Day of the Lord comes 2:32 Survivors from Jerusalem will call on the name of the Lord 3:1-2 parallels Zech. 14:1 3:2 Judgment of the nations takes place in the valley of Jehoshaphat OUTSIDE Jerusalem Rev. 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
Joel 2:30-3:21 3:13 The sickle, harvest, and winepress are mentioned again. Parallels Rev. 14:16-20 3:15 Sun, moon and stars grow dark Rev. 8-9 Trumpets 1,3,4 & 5 3:16 The heavens and the earth tremble Rev. 16:18 7th bowl 3:17 So Jerusalem will be holy Rev. 21:3 3:21 I will avenge their blood Rev. 16:6-7; 18:20; 19:2
POSSIBLE order of events
The armies gather at or shortly after the 6th bowl Jerusalem is captured by all or part of the nations The Lord descends to Bozrah to protect His remnant He treads the wine press going up toward Jerusalem He arrives at Jerusalem, stands on the Mount of Olives, and it splits Then Judah and Jerusalem are restored
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