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Welcome to The O’Zone Back-to-School Night 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to The O’Zone Back-to-School Night 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to The O’Zone Back-to-School Night 2015
Please sign in & pick up handouts Find your child’s workstation Open up the laptops and iPads, check out the technology, and view your child’s greeting. Class Web Site Lawrence S. O’Connor, Teacher revised 9/9/15

2 Tonight’s Topics Introduction Top Priority Items
Curricular Focus & Common Core Technology Weekly Schedule Class Web Page Online Grades Apps We Use Special Events Addenda the O’Zone

3 Curricular Focus Use Common Core materials to prepare for May’s SBAC English-Language Arts & Math Assessments Ancient Civilizations (Eastern Hemisphere) Earth Science (Heat, Plate Tectonics w/ Volcanos & Earthquakes, Ecosystems) the O’Zone

4 Common Core Curriculum
Language Arts District-Generated Lessons using CA Treasures Curricular Associates Ready Common Core 2016 Mathematics Houghton Mifflin Go Math! w/ Consumable Text & Standards Practice Book the O’Zone

5 Technology We Are Using*
Acer Laptops Owned by District Trackpad w/ optional mouse Attached keyboard Access to online resources Google Chrome & Drive iPad Minis Owned by Mr. O Touchscreen w/ optional stylus Wireless keyboard Access to productivity apps & online resources Educational apps *No, we aren’t abandoning paper and pencil. the O’Zone

6 Weekly Schedule the O’Zone

7 Class Web Page the O’Zone

8 Online Grades Page The password is your lunch number. It can be changed if you want (recommended). the O’Zone

9 Google Classroom & Google Drive
the O’Zone

10 The Student Learning Journal
Seesaw The Student Learning Journal the O’Zone

11 A Place to Post Ideas, Links, and Projects
Padlet A Place to Post Ideas, Links, and Projects the O’Zone

12 Adaptive Common Core Math Practice
Front Row Adaptive Common Core Math Practice the O’Zone

13 Think Central Online Textbook
the O’Zone

14 Special Events Equinox and Solstice feasts during lunch (the first is Wednesday, Sept. 23) Report Card Celebration Luncheons Color Day Lunch in the Classroom Oral Language: Wednesday, Oct. 28 Geography Bee: Friday, Dec. 11 Science Fair: Wednesday, Jan. 20 Camp K.E.E.P.: April Extended Day program on many days the O’Zone

15 Classroom Volunteers Assist as a language arts group leader, by sorting and grading assignments, by prepping activities, or by working with individual students on assignments and projects. Organize special activities and participate in them. Donate needed supplies, especially consumables, that the school doesn’t replace. Return the Classroom Volunteer Form if interested. the O’Zone

16 Appendix of Useful Information
Evaluating Conduct Keeping Track of Assignments Assignment Policy What to Do When Pulled Out of Class Staying Organized Helping My Child Be Successful Finding Out How My Child Is Doing Why My Child’s Grades Are Lower than Expected the O’Zone

17 Evaluating Conduct A+ Expected Behavior A- Verbal Admonishment
B Lose classroom privileges for the day C min. time out during recess D min. time out during lunch recess (possibly in detention) & contact parent/guardian F Teacher calls parent, student may have to speak with Mr. Machado, particularly for serious offenses the O’Zone

18 Keeping Track of Assignments
Students must write the assignment details and due dates on their assignment paper. Check Google Classroom if the assignment was posted there. Assignments are posted on the class web page. Students can record assignments in their planner for a parent to review. the O’Zone

19 Assignment Policy Most are due the following day.
Homework becomes anything that is not finished in class. Assignments and projects that require more effort are given more time. If absent, turn in assignments within two days. Assignments missed due to lengthy excused absences could become excused (negotiable). Late work is subject to a random service charge. Music students are responsible for concepts & assignments they miss. GATE students are responsible for understanding the concepts taught that day & should do partial assignments unless told otherwise. the O’Zone

20 What to Do When Pulled Out of Class
Ask a reliable friend. Check the projection screen. Check Google Classroom or other online resource Check with Mr. O. Check the class assignment page. Be sure to turn in anything that was collected while out. the O’Zone

21 Staying Organized Place assignments in the colored folders provided for Language Arts (red), Math (blue), Science (green), and Social Studies (yellow). Help your child organize papers in the correct folder or binder section. Keep returned papers as study aids for quizzes and tests and to check that online grades are correct. Do not stuff papers into a backpack or into books or into trash cans! the O’Zone

22 Helping My Child Be Successful
Help them take responsibility for their actions and make the right choices. Provide a distraction-free study area at home. Require him or her to bring all assignments home every day to review with a parent. Increase fluency by reading orally with your child. Practice math facts. Prepare flash cards for quizzes and tests. Encourage them to always do their best. the O’Zone

23 Finding Out How My Child Is Doing
Review papers and tests after they are returned. Require your child to bring home all assignments, even if they are finished, so you can review them. Subscribe to Seesaw, your child’s learning journal Check the Online Grades that are updated several times a week, sometimes daily. Monitor progress on AR and Front Row. Review the quarterly Report Card. Visit the classroom and observe. Schedule a conference. the O’Zone

24 Why My Child’s Grades Might Be Lower than Expected
Is common at the start of year as students learn the routine & a different teacher’s expectations. Doesn’t pay attention to instruction or directions. Doesn’t follow directions. Doesn’t complete assignments. Doesn’t turn in work when requested. May need more thought & effort, especially on writing assignments. Doesn’t understand the concept(s) yet. the O’Zone

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