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Revelation 17 part 2 – Babylon is fallen

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1 Revelation 17 part 2 – Babylon is fallen
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 17 part 2 – Babylon is fallen Please visit our website:

2 Babylon is fallen Verse 7 – Why did you marvel
John had seen the outcome of the working of the Whore Presumably astonished at her world wide effect and deception Also her blood-thirstiness over the Saints We are now to find out the mystery of: The woman The beast upon which she rides Which has 7 heads and 10 horns Verse 8 Was and is not and will rise (in the future) out of the bottomless pit Destination - perdition

3 Babylon is fallen Rev 11 v 17 – He has taken His great power and reigned Rev 13 v 10 – he who leads into captivity must go there Rev 3 v 10 – believer delivered from this hour Those whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel As though to say “John why did you marvel? It’s them that will marvel.” The beast was and is not and yet is (unlike Jesus, who was and is and is to come) Revelation 13 v 3 – all the world will marvel and follow the beast Having put so much confidence in the beast they will witness its demise and will marvel or wonder or be astonished

4 Babylon is fallen V 9 - Seven mountains
Seven mountains must be linked to the beast – the woman sits on both There are also seven kings ESV has this right – “they are also seven kings” Mountains are kings and/or kingdoms Daniel 2 v 35 and v 45 This makes the rest of the passage make sense 7 kings – 5 fallen, one is and one is to come Egypt Assyria Babylon Medo-Persia Greece In John’s day, the 6th was in power - Rome

5 Babylon is fallen Daniel 7 v 7 & 8 Verse 24 – the subduing of three
The beast described with ten horns More detail – a little horn who subdued three of the horns Verse 24 – the subduing of three He is therefore the 8th 10-3 =7 + 1=6 After Babylon there will be Medo-Persia Greece Rome The 7th empire (The reign of the Beast) who will die and rise as the 8th

6 He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Babylon is fallen A short reign for the last king who is the 7th and is resurrected as the 8th – the little horn. Verse 12 – the ten horns are all kings who will have a kingdom at the same time as the Beast They will share power with him They will be of the same mind – pursuing the same ends Together they will make war with The Lamb (Jesus) He will overcome them He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Those with Him are called chosen and faithful

7 Babylon is fallen Verse 15 Verse 17 – God has put it into their hearts
Confirms the Beast’s world-wide influence But the connotation is one of dominance She rides peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues In some way the horns will destroy the religious harlot The earth becomes completely irreligious Verse 17 – God has put it into their hearts God is, true to form, using His own enemies to bring judgement on other enemies Verse 18 – the great city – seems to be a literal city – could be Rome, but there are other contenders – many say Babylon

8 Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27)
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