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Presentation on theme: "ACEPRD FIVE YEAR WORK PLAN, ( )"— Presentation transcript:

Prof. J.C. Aguyi, Director ACEPRD, Jos Prof. Taiwo E. Alemika, Deputy Director

2 Research workflow for the next five years
Plant selection Extraction Biomarker Isolation Analytical Methods Bioassays Metabolomics Toxicity Studies Biopharmaceautics

3 Research workflow for the next five years
Bioactive Plant Research Several indigenous species have been prioritised for the next five years Species have been selected based on their traditional uses and commercialisation Natural populations and cultivated materials will be sampled The endemic nature of the selected species provides a competitive geographical advantage for this research to be undertaken

4 Research workflow for the next five years
Extraction This step dictates the outcomes of the profiling and bioactivity This will optimise in terms of efficiency, yield, bioactivity and chemical composition by using automated speed extractors These extracts will be subjected to chemical fingerprinting techniques, bioactivity testing and chemometric modelling

5 Research workflow for the next five years
Biomarker Isolation: Chemical standards are not commercially available for many selected plants Phytoconstituents needs to be isolated using in-house preparative methods such as Column chromatography High speed countercurrent chromatography GC-MS Capillary Electrophoresis Standardisation of these phytochemicals shall be made commercially available Chemical identities and structure will be confirmed using started spectroscopic methods through existing collaboration

6 Research workflow for the next five years
Analytical Lab services Quality of phytomedicine hinges on three crucial aspects: quality, safety and efficacy Development quality control standards for several botanical raw materials and phytomedicine forms a fundamental component of proposed research Latest technology shall be used Semi-automated high performance thin layer chromatography(HPTLC) Vibrational spectroscopy GC-MS Ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS)

7 Research workflow for the next five years
Toxicity studies One of the biggest misconceptions that ‘herbal is safe’ There is urgent need to document potential deleterious effects of herbal medicine a largely neglected priority in local herbal medicine research Use of Drosophilia have been extensively used for toxicity studies

8 Research workflow for the next five years
Biopharmaceutics After oral intake of phytomedicine products, it should reach the site of action to be effective Research on biopharmaceutical aspects towards developing effective commercialization of these products are lacking Use of pre-clinical and clinical studies are needed to establish this In vitro methods will be used to investigate the pharmacokinetics and herb-drug interactions of compounds.


10 Human Capital Development
Its envisaged that 100 Postgraduate students its expected for graduation in the next five years Post doctoral fellows

11 Research outputs Publications – 35 Commercial production
Scabi-plus Soap, Scabi-Plus cream, Scabi-plus Shampoo Anti-snake vaccine Covip

12 Ongoing Research activities
Antimicrobial and biofilm resistance Galleria Mellonella Model for drug research Courses Maintaining of former courses at MSc and Ph.D. level Short courses: Protein purification, vaccinology, mushroom cultivation, business plan preparation Internship- Gauze, POCO, NIPRD,NAFDAC,Hospitals

13 BUDGET Activity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Equipment
200,000 1,000,000 Fellowship-postdoctoral 50,000 250,000 Overhead 30,000 150,000 Consumables 105,000 525,000 Support and research assistants Scholarships 500,0000 2,500,000 Seed grants 65,000 325,000 TOTAL 5,000,000

14 Sources of funds University Research grants
Laboratory services – water, Drosophila, bioassays, consultancy Phyto products – Scabi plus, mushroom farm

15 Conclusion ACEPRD has brought international opportunities to the University of Jos The outcome include generating new knowledge, bringing indigenous knowledge to the fore of national health delivery Its been of benefit to the society as a whole


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