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Presentation on theme: "Tapestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tapestry

2 What is Tapestry? Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us

3 Who has access? Staff Parents/carers
Any additional family members e.g. Grandparents, older siblings who have left home to go to university etc. (On request from parents)

4 What Parents see: Parents can see what their children do at school and read the observations An observation consists of a picture, observation and curriculum statements for that observation

5 Comments can be added to these observations at home to help inform the staffs planning and future activities to include children’s interests

6 Parents are able to add their own observations of things outside of school

7 Benefits It is a great way for parents to stay connected to what is happening at school It is really useful for us to get your thoughts and feedback on observations and see what they do at home School is only a part of a child’s week and parental involvement with Tapestry enables us to gather a larger picture of a child’s learning.

8 Thank you 

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