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The continuum.

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Presentation on theme: "The continuum."— Presentation transcript:

1 The continuum

2 How about the effects of climate change?

3 China and India are particular big contributors to global warming.
LEDC’s They are currently experiencing their industrial revolution and are becoming the greatest users and producers of electricity and are burning huge quantities of fossil fuels to keep their booming industries going. This is creating masses of pollution and contributing greatly to global warming. China and India are particular big contributors to global warming.

4 6 of the 10 most polluted cities in the world are in China!
China is currently the world's second largest energy consumer and producer and will overtake the USA by 2019 6 of the 10 most polluted cities in the world are in China! Picture above: Beijing's smog Lanzhou This country is hooked on coal. With 21,000 coal mines across the country, it is cheaper and more easily available than any other form of energy in China. It is the lifeblood of its booming economy, producing 70 per cent of the energy that fuels its dramatic growth.

5 Engines burn oil which is another fossil fuel
Engines burn oil which is another fossil fuel. They also add carbon back into the atmosphere and thicken the layer. Just think a moment about how many vehicles there are around……

6 Brilliant we will be able to sunbathe here in the UK!!
Global Warming…. So what......?! It was found that 9 hottest years on record occurred during the past 14 years. The mean Earth temperature in 1997 was 0.43°C higher than the past 26 years. Brilliant we will be able to sunbathe here in the UK!!

7 And even that’s not necessarily a good thing!!

But what are the real consequences of global warming for us all? GREENLAND’S CONTINENTAL ICE MELTING COULD MEAN HUGE SEA LEVEL RISE

9 Global warming causes the polar ice sheets melt
Global warming causes the polar ice sheets melt. It increases the sea-level. It will possibly rise 18 cm by 2030 and 58 cm by Flooding will probably occur in lowlands. Many cities along the coast may be under sea water.

10 The loss of polar ice will have a profound effect on nature in particular animal habitats.

11 7 METRE RISE 13 METRE RISE 84 METRE RISE Sea level rise around the world is going to leave many people homeless!

12 Many of the world’s islands are already disappearing beneath the sea.
The tiny island nation of the Maldives is in trouble. If global warming continues, say scientists, the country could sink beneath the ocean within 100 years. The average height of the islands above sea level is 1.5 metres and the rate of sea level rise is currently 59cm per century.

13 There will also be an increase in

14 And Hurricanes will become more frequent, intense and will happen in places that currently do not suffer them!

15 And drought and crop failure which leads to

And this could be common in countries that do not usually suffer

17 And therefore flooding will become more frequent and severe.
Some places will suffer far more rain…. And therefore flooding will become more frequent and severe.

18 What might stop Global Warming?
So what can we do? What might stop Global Warming?

19 Basically you need to reduce your…..

20 Homework questions 2 Fig. 1A shows the proportions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that result from human activities. Fig. 1B shows the proportions of different human activities that produce greenhouse gases. (a) (i) Calculate the total percentage of carbon dioxide shown in Fig. 1A. [1] (ii) Name the human activity that results in the greatest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions shown in Fig. 1B. [1] (b) Using Figs 1A and 1B, briefly describe the relationship between agriculture and theproduction of greenhouse gases. [3] (c) Explain how an increase in greenhouse gases can lead to global warming. [5]


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