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In-Class Review Chapters 17-20.

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1 In-Class Review Chapters 17-20

2 Chapter 17- European Exploration
Reasons for exploration Remember the Three Gs Marco Polo Ottoman Empire Means of exploration (what technology was introduced?)

3 Chapter 17- European Exploration
Important Explorers Portuguese Spanish Bartolomeu Dias First to sail around Africa Vasco de Gama First to sail to India Christopher Columbus Goal: Sail to India from the West Discovery of Americas Ferdinand Magellan First to circumnavigate the globe

4 Chapter 17- European Exploration
New trade empires (based on control of colonies Good: more and better goods = lower prices/better health Bad: enslaved laborers and new diseases Mercantilism (what is a country’s strength based on?) New World  Old World: Columbian Exchange

5 Triangular Trade Europe New World Africa Atlantic Slave Trade

6 Chapter 17- European Exploration
Colonial Latin America Social structure based on what? Encomienda System Native: Farm and mine for colonists Europeans: Provide protection and land for native laborers

7 Chapter 18- Absolutism in Europe
Religious Wars England vs. Spain Spain attempts to spread Catholicism to England Sent armada (destroyed by British navy) France Huguenots (French Calvinists) vs. Catholics Edict of Nantes: Freedom of religion; Catholicism = French religion 30 Years War: Last religious war Began religious; turned political Effect: Holy Roman Empire broken up

8 Chapter 18- Absolutism in Europe
English Civil War- Only need to know about the effects Tolerance Act English Bill of Rights- Parliament has power of law King limited; therefore, is not considered absolutist

9 Chapter 18- Absolutism in Europe
Absolutism: Ruler has no limits to their power Goals: strong military, central power, obedience from subjects Took away noble’s power and controlled trade

10 Chapter 18- Absolutism in Europe
France- Figures Prussia/Russia Richelieu (Royal minister) First to begin centralizing government Louis XIV Appeased nobles (allies) Palace of Versailles (meetings and living quarters of king) Fought numerous wars Colbert- Financial minister Increased taxes Subsidized French businesses Frederick William (Prussia) Drafted citizens into army (4th largest in Europe) Gave nobles (Junkers) positions of power Ivan IV (Terrible!) Removed power from Russian nobles (boyars) Peter the Great Westernize Russia New port to Black Sea: St. Petersburg

11 Chapter 18- Absolutism in Europe
Art and Culture Baroque (buzzwords to describe movement?) Shakespeare Greatest English playwright Why? understood human psychology Ex: Romeo and Juliet (teenage love) Macbeth (corruption from power)

12 Chapter 19- Ottoman Empire
First Gunpowder Empire Sacked Constantinople Now Istanbul (not Constantinople) Elite guard = Janissaries Kidnapped Christian children Leader = Sultan Society divided by: Occupation (what job you had) Decline: Corruption in government Economic problems (Europeans begin controlling trade) Citizens buying Euro. goods  getting to Western!

13 Chapter 20- Ming/Qing Dynasty
Ming Dynasty Who were replaced? Reforms to government Civil service exam ---> government is meritocratic Imperial City = centralized government; strength and power of China Trade with Europeans To Europe: Porcelain, tea, Confucianism To China: Christianity, technology, silver

14 Chapter 20- Ming/Qing Dynasty
Qing Dynasty = Not Chinese! Ruled by the Manchus Identified Chinese males by hair Style known as a queue (what was the point?) Trade with Europeans Response when pressured to increase trade: limit trade even more Art/Culture Most highly respected members of family: Elderly Porcelain popular in Europe (incredibly beautiful)

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