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Kansas Army National Guard

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Army National Guard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Army National Guard
JAG Legal Brief Major Alma L. Whitelaw Judge Advocate Kansas Army National Guard Instruction Note: Selected Note Pages contain instruction comments to assist with your presentation. To ensure this is the most current version, please go to Instructor comments: This briefing is not meant to take the place of counseling clients on these issues. If anyone has individual questions, then you should make an appointment with legal assistance and refrain from asking your personal question in the presence of a large group. Current as of 1 AUG 09 1

2 Agenda Introduction Soldier involvement with law enforcement
Military Justice options Lautenberg Legal issues with PTSD / trauma (combat induced, sexual assault, other) Service of process Legal resources Questions

3 Introduction 3

4 Military Acronyms Handout in Folder Joint Pub 1-02 – DoD Dictionary of Military & Associated Terms

5 General Acronyms AR – Army Regulation AFI – Air Force Instruction
DA – Department of Army DD – Department of Defense KSNG – Kansas National Guard KSANG – Kansas Air National Guard KSARNG – Kansas Army National Guard Reg – Refers to any governing regulation SM – Servicemember SRP – Soldier Readiness Processing

6 Military Pay Acronyms 2 of 2
IDT – Inactive Duty Training (Drills) LES – Leave and Earnings Statement MUTA – Multiple Unit Training Assembly PEBD – Pay Entry Basic Date SGLI – Servicemembers Group Life Insurance TSP – Thrift Savings Plan UTA – Unit Training Assembly VHA – Variable Housing Allowance YIS – Years in Service

7 Soldier’s Involvement with Law Enforcement

8 The Kansas National Guard Command & Leadership take seriously any military member involvement with law enforcement.

9 Actions Let us know How know it’s person is military?
Haircut Reaction when asked NG / Veteran License plates Ask us Joint Operations Center (JOC): 24 hour operations

10 KSNG Actions Command receives notification / “Serious Incident Report” (SIR) JAG Office requests police reports Soldier/Airman “flagged” for no favorable actions JAG Office tracks and follows court process Adverse administrative actions available

11 Adverse Administrative Actions
Separation from military service Bar to re-enlistment Removal from promotion lists Loss of security clearance Removal of leadership positions/schools Bad evaluations (“referred”)

12 Separations Convictions by civil court Patterns of misconduct
Abuse of illegal drugs or alcohol DUIs Possession, Use, Distribution Any alcohol / drug RELATED offense Commission of a serious offense

13 Characterization of Discharge
(When separated from military service) 13

14 Separation from Service– Characterizations of Discharge
Honorable – standard / normal General – minor misconduct Other than Honorable (OTH) – bad stuff Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) – courts-martial Dishonorable Discharge – WORST!!! General Court-Martial

15 Separation from Service –
Honorable Conditions End Term of Service (ETS) Retirement Pregnancy Hardship (typically family hardship) Height/Weight/PT

16 Administrative Separation from Service – Misconduct
Administrative Separation Board If SM has over 6 years of service or command wants OTH Common Types of Misconduct Illegal drug positives from urinalysis Possibly misdemeanor DUI, assault, etc Service specific issues (disrespect, mil jurisdiction) Conviction of felony “Major misconduct” or “Series of misconduct” Range of Discharges “Honorable” OR “General Under Honorable Conditions” OR “Under Other than Honorable Conditions” (OTH)

17 Effects from Discharge
Honorable – eligible for all benefits General – May effect some federal / etc jobs Keep most VA benefits Other than Honorable (OTH) – LOSE most VA benefits Not eligible for any federal job, federally funded job, many other job sources

18 Charts in VA Handout in Folder

19 Included in Folder Under this Handout
VA Handouts Included in Folder Under this Handout

20 Popular Veteran Service Organizations
American Legion Veterans of Foreign Wars(VFW) American Veterans (AMVETS) Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Wounded Warriors Project Instructor Comments: Estate planning is more than just drafting a will. There are many other things to consider when determining what happens to your property in the event of your death. SGLI: Often, a Soldier’s greatest asset is SGLI, which is now worth $400,000. It is critical to ensure that your SGLI designation is correct. The last documented designation will control. If you have your ex-spouse named on your SGLI, that person will get it, even if you are remarried or want your children to get it. MAKE SURE YOUR SGLI REFLECTS YOUR WISHES. If you are married and you name someone other than your spouse as beneficiary, or if you leave your spouse less than the full amount, then your spouse will be notified. If you are not married, and you choose anything other than the full amount of coverage, then your next of kin will be notified. Please see the SGLI web site for further information about his notification. Do not name a minor child as a beneficiary. The Office of SGLI (OSGLI) will not pay the SGLI proceeds to a minor and the payment will be on hold until a court appoints a custodian. Your Legal Assistance Office can provide you with the correct language to use on your SGLI and will to ensure that you have set up a legally sufficient gift to your minor children. 20

21 Legal Issues: PTSD Sexual Assault

22 Discussion – no slides! 22

23 The Lautenberg Amendment -

24 Gun Control Act of 1968 (ACT)
Basic framework for gun control in the US Made it illegal for Felons to carry firearms Prior to 1997, the Act provided an exception for members of the Government which waived the Acts prohibition to the extent the weapons were duty related Affected: Law Enforcement & Military REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 30

25 Lautenberg Amendment of 1996
Increased the scope of the Act’s prohibitions to include not only felonies but also anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence No Government / Military exception for misdemeanor convictions of domestic violence REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 31

18 U.S.C. 922 Unlawful for any person who has reasonable cause to believe that they have a misdemeanor conviction of domestic violence to possess, ship, transport or receive firearms and ammunition. Unlawful for any person to transfer or issue firearms or ammunition to any person he or she has reasonable cause to believe has a qualifying domestic violence conviction. REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 32

27 DoD’s Definition Qualifying Domestic Violence Conviction
A qualifying domestic violence conviction: either a felony or misdemeanor conviction underlying facts indicate the use or attempted use of physical force or the threatened use of a deadly weapon involved crime against a person with whom the soldier had a familial or family-like relationship (i.e., spouse, person with whom cohabitated like a spouse, person with whom a child is shared, child or step-child). REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 33

Additional Guidance **The underlying conviction need not specifically state the crime involved domestic violence.** The underlying facts of the crime determine whether the Lautenberg Amendment applies. Examples: A misdemeanor conviction of crimes such as "assault”, “battery", or "criminal threat" will apply under the Amendment, if the victim had a qualifying relationship with the defendant and there was a threat or use of force or a weapon was involved. REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 34

29 Convictions/Substantiations “Exceptions”
Deferred prosecutions Diversions Dismissals Expungements (Keys off of “conviction” element) REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 35

30 Potential Options for Plea Agreements
Many times will plea to lesser, amended charge Underlying facts still an issue!!!! Possible options to protect SM from Lautenberg: Transcript of proceedings indicating no proof of one of key elements Signed, written agreement between DA/County Attorney and Defense Attorney that no proof of at least one key element Contact a Judge Advocate! REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 36

Expungement Authorized exception KS – 3 years min for misdemeanor Will it occur in time to avoid separation if can’t re-enlist? Still command option Usually allowed more as an “entry” condition rather than when already in NG REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 37

32 Servicemember Impact 1 of 2
All SMs known to have, or reasonably believed to have a qualifying domestic violence conviction: must turn-in all Government issued firearms and ammunition must be reassigned meaningful missions that do not place them into a supervisory, leadership, or property accountability position that would require them to have access to firearms may not deploy on any mission requiring possession of firearms or ammunition are not eligible for overseas assignment REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 38

33 Servicemember Impact 2 of 2
not authorized to attend school where instruction with individual weapons or ammunition is part of the curriculum inability to complete service schools may impact future promotions and their career may still extend for up to one year, if otherwise qualified may not reenlist; ineligible for reenlistment program may be immediately discharged REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 39

KSNG Servicemembers If the underlying / initial police report identifies any of the factors outlined in this briefing, the SM will be considered to have a Lautenberg Amendment violation unless acceptable proof to contrary provided. SM will most likely end up discharged – losing their status as a military member. SM may or may not recognize the danger of losing their military career when approaching their civilian case. REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS 40

35 Service of Process & Subpoena

36 BEST PRACTICE!!! SM signs VOLUNTARY release of SM’s information
No specific form Need full name, rank, SSN, DOB SM VOLUNTARILY accepts service

37 NG / USAR Service of Process
Cannot serve commander or other individual Must have permission to enter armory or compounds to serve individual (if at all) Serve through regular process authorized through K.S.A., i.e. home address, regular employer, etc.

38 Military Records Subpoena
Must have Judge’s signature National Personnel Records Center (NARA) for discharged or deceased veterans Must include following information: Name, SSN, date of birth, branch of service, dates of service. Medical records must also include dates and places of treatment SF 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records for SMs still active FOIA & Privacy Act apply to all records

39 Military Personnel Subpoena
SM cannot typically testify about any “official information” pertaining to military duties or operations. Department of Defense Directive (DOD) , “Release of Official Information and Testimony by DOD Personnel as Witnesses.” generally provides that official DOD information and personnel should be made available to Federal and State courts. “unless the information being sought is classified, privileged or otherwise protected from public disclosure.” See Chapter 7 of AR 27-40; 32 CFR Part 516. Must be solely a personal matter between the SM and the requesting party. SM must interview with SJA prior to testifying.

40 Resources

41 Publications (Regulations, Forms, Etc.)
All Army publications to include regulations and forms can be located online at Army Publishing Directorate (APD) Google! REPRESENTING CITIZEN SOLDIERS

42 Kansas Military Legal Offices
Kansas military installation legal offices (AD) Fort Leavenworth (Army) - Ph: Fort Riley (Army) - Ph: McConnell AFB (Air Force) - Ph: Kansas National Guard JAG Office – 8th Legal Support Organization, US Army Reserves, , Ext 2156 (USAR)

43 Kansas National Guard JAG Contact Information Colonel (COL) Matthew Oleen Senior Staff Judge Advocate Legal Advisor to The Adjutant General (TAG) 2800 SW TOPEKA BLVD TOPEKA KS 66611 (MAIN) (FAX)

44 QUESTIONS? Questions or comments about this briefing may be referred to the Training Developments Directorate, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by going to and submitting a helpdesk ticket. 50

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