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PBIS at Robert Moton Elementary School

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1 PBIS at Robert Moton Elementary School
Pam Meyers Frank Fiore Julie Clarfield March 27, 2007

2 About Robert Moton Elementary
Location: Westminster, MD Carroll County Grade Levels: Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 5 Student Population: 466 students total 168 qualify for free/reduced meals 132 receive special education services Special education regional center - provide education services to students whose needs could not be met in their home school

3 PBIS at RMES The process of making the commitment to PBIS
Fine-tuning what PBIS would look like at RMES.

4 What does PBIS look like at RMES?
TRIPLE Posters Tickets R espect esponsible eady to learn RANCH

5 DATA Data collected since August/September 2006 SWIS, Excel, etc.

6 Yearly Support Room Data

7 The “Big 5” Location: 76% of the problem behaviors occur within the classroom Time: 12:30-2:00 Problem Behavior: The top 3 behaviors: Defiance/ Disrespect/Insubordination/Non-compliance Fighting/Physical Aggression Disruption

8 Average number of referrals/day

9 Number of RRR Tickets K 1 2 3 4 5 Total 2005-2006 1210 711 498 829 310
244 3802 1900 813 746 1099 734 549 5841 (as of 3/26)

10 Ratio of Tickets:Referrals (2006-2007)

11 Yearly Triangle ( )

12 Yearly Triangle (2006-2007) as of 3/25/2007

13 Triangle of Student Referrals: November 2006

14 Suspension Data Suspensions continue to decrease

15 Positive Data 60 staff (over ½) have been recognized and rewarded for acknowledging students exhibiting the RRR behaviors. 5841 RRR coupons handed out so far this school year 430 students (92%) earned the privilege to attend each quarterly celebration, including all Kindergarten and 5th grade students in 1st quarter Nominated (and met criteria) for a PBIS exemplar school of the year last year

16 Cost-Benefit Analysis

17 Using data for decision-making
Continuum of support provided to students Staff development provided in response to staff requests (+35 staff attended a presentation on dealing with students who have significant problem behaviors in 2006) Movement of the support room “Caught You in the Corridor” contest

18 Questions???

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