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Art Between the Wars.

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1 Art Between the Wars

2 War Art

3 “A Street in Arras” John Singer Sargent (US), 1918

4 “Oppy Wood” – John Nash (Br), 1917

5 “Over the Top” – John Nash (Br), 1917

6 “Gassed and Wounded”: Eric Kennington (Br), 1918

7 “Those Who Have Lost Their Names” Albin Eggar-Linz (German), 1914

8 “Paths of Glory”: C. R. W. Nevinson (Br), 1917

9 Max Beckmann: “The Morgue” 1915

10 Otto Dix: “Self Portrait as Soldier” 1914

11 Otto Dix: “The Flare” 1915

12 Otto Dix: “Assault Under Gas” 1916

13 George Grosz: “Explosion” 1917

14 Themes in Early Modern Art
(early 20th Century) Uncertainty/insecurity. Disillusionment (to lose faith & trust) The subconscious (existing in the mind, but not known immediately) Violence & savagery.

15 Edvard Munch: The Scream (1893)
Expressionism Using bright colors to express a particular emotion rather than physical reality.

16 Franz Marc: Animal Destinies (1913)

17 Georges Braque: Violin & Candlestick (1910)
CUBISM The subject matter is broken down, analyzed, and reassembled in abstract, geometric form. Georges Braque: Violin & Candlestick (1910)

18 Georges Braque: Still Life: LeJeur (1929)

19 Picasso: Three Musicians (1921)

20 Pablo Picasso: Guernica(1937)

21 George Grosz Grey Day (1921)
DaDa Ridiculed contemporary culture & traditional art forms. The collapse during WW I of social and moral values. Nihilistic: life is without meaning George Grosz Grey Day (1921)

22 The Pillars of Society (1926)
George Grosz The Pillars of Society (1926)

23 Raoul Hausmann: ABCD (1924-25)

24 Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife… (1919)
Hannah Hoch: Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife… (1919)

25 Salvador Dali: Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), 1936
Surrealism Late 1920s-1940s. Influenced by Freud’s theories of the subconscious. Confusing & startling images like those in dreams.

26 Salvador Dali: The Persistence of Memory (1931)

27 Salvador Dali: The Apparition of the Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach (1938)

28 Salvador Dali: Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of a New Man (1943)

29 Salvador Dali: Metamorphosis of Narcissus

30 Homework – Due Tuesday 2/23
Pick one of the art movements Expressionism Dada Cubism Surrealism Draw a picture relating to the movement. On the back include a paragraph about your art and a second paragraph how it relates to the movement.

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