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MIS5101 Week 3: Data-Driven Management

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1 MIS5101 Week 3: Data-Driven Management

2 Discuss (5 minutes) Based on the readings…
What is a Key Performance Indicator? How does it facilitate Scientific Management? What are the pros and cons of data-driven management?

3 What is scientific management?
How are the topics we’ve discussed so far in this course consistent with scientific management?

4 Does the proliferation of information technology make “scientific management” more or less relevant?
Source: Wikipedia (

5 What do these have in common?
KPI Criteria: SMART Specific purpose for the business Measurable Achievable by the organization Relevant to success Time-phased What do these have in common?

6 Why might there be resistance?
In management consulting? In healthcare? In sports management? So what should you do as a manager?

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