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Energiecollege ‘Energy of the Future’

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Presentation on theme: "Energiecollege ‘Energy of the Future’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energiecollege ‘Energy of the Future’
Henk Hindriks 26 januari 2015

2 Introduction to global change
Introductie Henk Hindriks Docent/Projectleider Energie Centre of Applied Research and Innovation – Energy Zernikeplein 11 tel: mail: Introduction to global change

3 Wetenschap achter klimaatverandering
Source: StockExpert free Global change Why? Change? True? How? What? False? 2 onderwerpen die nauw met elkaar samenhangen: klimaatverandering en het opraken van energiebronnen Resource depletion 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

4 Introduction to global change
Earthrise Earthrise William Anders, 1968, Apollo 8 1968, Apollo 8, William Anders Our planetary vehicle Only known life Intelligent life Our complete history Everything we know and love The picture that really started the climate movement for the first time was made from the first manned spaceship orbiting the moon Together with the club of Rome report this really started the climate movement MOVIE Movie: Our planetary vehicle 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change Source picture: NASA

5 Wat is het gevolg van de manier waarop wij leven?
I = P x A x T This will be the core of the presentation so remember it. Onthoud deze! 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

6 Populatie (of: people)
Aantal aardebewoners Source: Words clip art I = P x A x T P = 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

7 Populatie geschiedenis
Populatie was lange tijd stabiel Source: NOAA 1st and 2nd industrial revolution Dark ages What where we doing here? Per step Pre society First societies 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

8 Consumptie per persoon
Affluence (= rijkdom) Consumptie per persoon Source: Words clip art I = P x A x T A = 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

9 Voor de meeste groei is energie nodig
Source: IEA Meer mensen Meer rijkdom Ontwikkeling Nog steeds 80% fossiele brandstoffen Conclusie: energievraag blijft stijgen 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

10 De efficiëntie om iets te maken: kost energie
Technologie De efficiëntie om iets te maken: kost energie Source: Words clip art I = P x A x T T = 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

11 Consuming large amounts of resources
Efficiëntie Consuming large amounts of resources Source: US / EPA Technologische efficiëntie groeit minder snel dan populatie en consumptie Voorbeeld: gem. efficientie auto en vrachtwagen USA 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

12 De totale schade of verandering van de aarde
Impact De totale schade of verandering van de aarde Source: Words clip art I = P x A x T I = “Is Earth past the tipping point? 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

13 The natural cycles at work over time Years before present (1950)
Temperature change based on deuterium CO2 atmosphere (ppmv) Temp. (C) Years before present (1950) Source: NOAA

14 Years before present (1950)
Current CO2 level (2014) 380 CO2 atmosphere (ppmv) Years before present (1950) Source: NOAA

15 Hoge temperaturen in laatste jaren
‘Global warming’ Hoge temperaturen in laatste jaren Source: RuG ESRIG / CIO Measured temperature Other cause Sum of known natural effects 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

16 Wat gaat er waarschijnlijk gebeuren?
Waar gaan we naar toe Wat gaat er waarschijnlijk gebeuren? I = P x A x T So let’s conclude What will population do in the future? What will affluence do in the future And finally what will technology do 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

17 Hoe komen we weer met de natuur in balans? lance with nature
Het doel Hoe komen we weer met de natuur in balans? lance with nature I = 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

18 Domme vragen bestaan niet
Source: Words clip art Probeer deze websites “What is most common to all of us has the least care bestowed on it.“ Aristotle 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

19 Introduction to global change
YouTube Gebruikte filmpjes “Is Earth past the tipping point?” Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota ( EnTranCe kennismakingsfilmpjehttp:// “Change the way you think….” …About your morning latte. WWF ‘Smart grid’ Eon: ‘Intelligent netbeheer’ op recreatiepark Groot Bronsbergen (smart grids) Alliander 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

20 Introduction to global change
Bronnen Informatie van: International Energy Agency (IEA) – Energy outlook 2009 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – U.S. Department of commerce National Snow and Ice Data Centre - NSIDC Boulder CO The Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG) – University of Groningen 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

21 Information received from:
Sources II Information received from: International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia Peak oil, Exploring Hydrocarbon Depletion NASA 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

22 Information received from:
Sources III Information received from: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United States Geological Survey (USGS) The Biobased Economy 14/11/2018 Introduction to global change

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