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What is PEPSA? Pre-conditions for Elections Programme in Southern Africa Started in August 2004 Elections as a site of democratic consolidation Role of.

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Presentation on theme: "What is PEPSA? Pre-conditions for Elections Programme in Southern Africa Started in August 2004 Elections as a site of democratic consolidation Role of."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is PEPSA? Pre-conditions for Elections Programme in Southern Africa Started in August 2004 Elections as a site of democratic consolidation Role of media – especially state media

2 Partners involved in starting PEPSA
MISA EISA OSISA NIZA HIVOS Opportunity for others interested in electoral issues to join

3 Organisation of PEPSA Steering Committee made up of the 5 organisations – rotating chairing - coordinating policy and implementation Team of 3 exerts – Electoral processes and systems, Media and CSOs Focus countries – 5 currently: Angola, DRC, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe (possibility of more countries) Focus country expert consultants 14/11/2018

4 PEPSA objectives Support and enhance current initiatives and processes; no duplication of existing ones Provide opportunities for learning and solidarity across the region Support sharing of experiences, learning and analysis of electoral models and systems; how these enhance or hinder participation Support other advocacy strategies that defend and enhance citizen participation and public engagement 14/11/2018

5 Main Elements of PEPSA Monitoring of electoral processes in SADC to see to what extend these meet commitments; especially SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections – August 2004 Annual Observatory conference – Analysis tool Annual Publication – Outside the Ballot Box Realization of the shortcomings of SADC principles; need for campaign for accetance of other guidelines like SADC PF Norms and Standards (2001); Principles for Election Management, Monitoring and Observation of Elections developed by EISA / ECF (2003) 14/11/2018

6 PEPSA in 2005 Publication – Outside the Ballot Box
Write up on countries that held elections in 2004: Malawi; South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Mozambique And those serious challenges planning future elections: Zimbabwe, Angola and DRC Observatory conference discuss analysis tool and its implementation Discussion on issue of harmonisation of various regional principles and guidelines – SADC, SADC PF, EISA/ECF

7 Where is PEPSA now? Focus country programmes
Involvement of in-country networks: - very active in Angola, DRC and Mozambique - less active in Swaziland and Zimbabwe Fund raising for in-country programmes

8 PEPSA cycle

9 Conclusion Everyone and every organisation can be part of PEPSA PEPSA is about governance It is about democratic development and consolidation It is about increasing political literacy of the citizenry It is about making our votes count THANK YOU

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