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Tove Strand, Director General Cape Town, March 2005

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1 Tove Strand, Director General Cape Town, March 2005
Workshop on building sustainable relationships in research cooperation, science and technology Tove Strand, Director General Cape Town, March 2005

2 Modalities of Norwegian support
Modalities of Norwegian support Direct support to institutions, mainly universities, as well as reforms in the higher education system North – South cooperation in higher education and research Support to regional networks and regional research funds All these modalities are relevant in the case of South Africa Side/Page

3 Four Programmes The NUFU Programme The SANTED Programme
Four Programmes The NUFU Programme The SANTED Programme The Norwegian Programme on Research cooperation The Student Exchange Programme Side/Page

4 The NUFU Programme A special initiative was set up in The aim was to support cooperation between Norwegian institutions and historically disadvantaged institutions in South Africa 40 Ph D since 1996/97 Side/Page

5 The SANTED Programme promoting equity and redress in higher education
The SANTED Programme promoting equity and redress in higher education encouraging cooperation in the SADC region, performing formative research focusing on capacity building defined by the restructuring Programme under the National Plan for Higher Education Side/Page

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7 University of Western Cape - SANTED
University of Western Cape - SANTED The Equitable Access Through Enrolment Management Project The HIV&Aids Peer Education Project (with University of Zambia) The Formative Research Project Side/Page

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12 University of Western Cape - SANTED
University of Western Cape - SANTED bilde Side/Page

13 Norwegian Programme on Research Co-operation
Norwegian Programme on Research Co-operation Promote excellence and quality in research in fields of mutual concern and relevance Ensuring equal access for women and for previously disadvantaged groups The rationale was the notion that the two countries have matching capacity and quality in research Side/Page

14 Norad student exchange programme
Norad student exchange programme Pilot Programme for student exchange between Norway and South Africa The Programme will fund scholarships for South African students to study in Norway as part of a collaborative arrangement between a South African and a Norwegian institution. The call for proposals is coming shortly The call for proposals will be announced by SIU Side/Page

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