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Finding out children’s ideas:

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Presentation on theme: "Finding out children’s ideas:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding out children’s ideas:
Discuss with the children ways they use energy in their homes. Questions to promote discussion How do we use energy in our homes? Think about each room: Kitchen sitting room bathroom bedroom What electrical appliances do we use most often?

2 Access online game at
How to save energy in the kitchen, sitting room, bathroom and bedroom. Available from Internet connection necessary to play this game. Click on the link to access the game. Access online game at

3 General discussion on Guzzler's house:
Number of rooms Describe the rooms Insulation in attic Insulation in walls Windows - double glazed Main fuel Lighting and light bulbs Number of appliances using electricity Type of heating Curtains closed to stop heat escaping Draught excluder to stop heat leaving bedroom Lagging jacket on cylinder Appliances not on standby Lights switched off except in one room etc.

4 Use the questions and images on the following pages for whole class discussion on saving energy in the home.















19 Activity type: Recording, researching and communicating Collate the results from the home audits. Record the results on an IWB or on a large poster. Discuss findings. Questions to promote discussion 1 What actions that waste energy happen most frequently? 2 What are the most popular energy saving actions? 3 How do you think energy use could be reduced? 4.Do you think it is useful to gather information about how the whole class uses energy at home? Why? 5 What things about energy saving would you tell other classes?

20 Guzzler's House Conduct the audit on Guzzler's house

21 Saving Energy Can you guess Guzzler's top tips for saving energy in our homes. Questions for discussion? How can we save energy in the kitchen? How can we save energy with heat? How can we save energy with light? How can we save energy with light bulbs? How do we save energy by walking or cycling to school? How do we save energy by recycling?

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